
hiding Windows Desktop Search 4.0 in the taskbar

Working on a package for Office 2007 and Windows Desktop Search 4.0, in a Windows XP environment. I'm wondering if there's a way to prevent the Windows Search Deskbar from appearing by default in the taskbar.

I'd like the default behavior to be that users don't see this when they first log in. I've looked through the Office 2007 Customization Wizard and poked around in the registry, but so far haven't stumbled across the setting that will accomplish this.

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Answers (5)

Posted by: michaelnowell 15 years ago
Second Degree Blue Belt
I believe that the entire taskbar configuration is here......


.......but I don't know if you'll be able to modify it for just the one option that you want.

You could either configure it for everyone, for your default/new users or just teach you users to right click the taskbar, select toolbars and then uncheck 'Windows Search Desktop'.

Good luck if you decide to modify the binary reg value !
Posted by: RonW 15 years ago
Green Belt
Doesn't appear that the key listed has any impact on the Windows Search Deskbar.
I took snapshots of the registry with the search deskbar both visible and turned off, and the above key and associated values didn't change.
Some other keys/values did, though, so I'll pursue those and report back if I come up with a successful method of doing this.
Posted by: robertocloock 15 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
Did you found a solution for hiding the search toolbar?
Posted by: CraigK003 13 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
I would also be interested if someone found a solution for this.
I am installing Office 2010, which uses Windows Search Deskbar 4.0, I would like to remove it from the Startbar.

Posted by: RonW 13 years ago
Green Belt
Never did find a solution to this. We wound up pushing out Office '07 to users with the search bar visible, and just had the project manager write some documentation about it that got distributed to users prior to the installation.
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