
HELP - Complicated New Hire Process!!

So let's just start out by saying - 'It's complicated!'  If we start there then we can set the expectation that I don't think KACE Service Desk can do what we need - but I am new to the game and am willing to ask for help when I have ground to a complete stop.  

We currently have a web based New Hire Form.  The form goes through all the standard information like name, title, department, manager, start date, etc - you get the picture.  Where our web based form differs is that we have a list of applications and within these applications are roles.  Each of the roles within the form has an approver. It may be the manager, specific department lead, but can vary depending on the request.  I need to be able to list all of the applications and then depending on what is selected kick off approvals for the access request.  I am fine understanding the parent ticket with child tickets - and do not mind having a child ticket for each of the application requests. My problem is:

1. How do i create the new hire form so that it lists all of the applications?
2. How can the roles be displayed to the requestor so they can choose the role within the application?
3. Do I need to make a process for every possible combination of applications and roles?

They need to be able to select one or all of these applications and roles.  Then to top if off I need to be able to display certain applications for certain sites.
Like i said - it's complicated!

Application: SAP        Role: Billing                           Approver: Bob Smith
Application: SAP        Role: Customer Service        Approver: Jane Doe
Application: SAP        Role: Controller                    Approver: Jack Steele
Application: Oracle    Role: Sales                            Approver: Davey Jones
Application: Oracle    Role: Accounting                    Approver: Shaquille O'Neil

My thoughts were to create the initial ticket and use the custom fields to determine the applications that are needed.  That will get me the list of the applications, but it will not get me the roles.  So if I create a workflow that creates a child ticket and send the child ticket to the requestor asking what role within the application - they are gong to have 10 tickets for one user that they have to specify the role for.  Then that ticket will kick off to get approved.  If I am looking at this right I would need a new ticket for every role and in turn have a process for each role within the application.  Hopefully this all makes sense, but what i really need is this - a single parent ticket that will let the end-user select multiple applications and the roles within said applications.  Then a process to (based on what is selected) reach out to the correct person for approval.  Do you think that KACE Service Desk is capable of this?  

2 Comments   [ + ] Show comments
  • I would love to know the same thing. I am trying to create a New Hire Process as well, though not as complex as yours. I created a field where HR can specify if the New Hire is going to need a company laptop or not. Most of our people work off-site and are provided equipment by their customer. We only provided equipment to people sitting in a branch office so that is why this information is important to me.

    If a laptop is needed, then that purchase must be signed off on by my VP. I would like to have a process that goes to for him to approval and then creates a Child Ticket once approved. Setting up the process and then the Child Tickets part is easy but it looks like he would get the approval for every request, not just the ones that require a hardware purchase.

    I think the solution to one of our issues would solve the others as well but I haven't been able to find that solution yet. - cpfms 7 years ago
  • I am trying to do something similar as well. Has anyone figured this out? - abratton 6 years ago

Answers (1)

Posted by: bryan.gonzalez 6 years ago
White Belt

I’m new to KACE as well so I may be wrong or there may be aless messy way of doing this, but I think using Multiple Select boxes andcreating custom rules will help you achieve what you want, albeit in a prettycomplex way.

Create a custom field with Field Type of Multiple Select. InSelect Values you would separate each combination of applications and roleswith commas. It would look something like this: SAP – Billing, SAP – Customer Service,SAP – Controller,….

Next you would create rules to search for tickets with eachcombination in CUSTOM_5 (replace with the custom field you used) then create anew ticket and assign your designated approver for each. If the requestorselected SAP – Controller and Oracle – Accounting it would create 2 new ticketswith Jack Steele and Shaquille O’Neil as the approvers, respectively.

A modified way of doing this if you only have a handful ofapplications is to create a custom field for each application then make it a SingleSelect field type that contains each of that applications individual roles. Ifthe application isn’t needed then the requestor would select Not Needed in theroles. The rule would look for the roles under each applications custom fieldand if Not Needed is selected it would not create a new ticket. This would makeit a little prettier on the requestor’s side.

As for displaying certain applications for certain sites,you could create a different queue for each site and include or exclude theapplications that are or are not needed per site.

I hope all this helps and it makes sense. Like I said, thisis pretty convoluted so it may not be a viable method of achieving your goal.

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