
Creating deployment groups for Office365 Managed Installation

We have roughly 50 offices across our company, each of them ranging from 1 - 500 employees. I'm tasked with upgrading everyone to Office365 from Office 2016. The Managed Installation has already been created, but I want to make some smaller deployment groups of maybe 100ish employees at a time.

I currently have the offices listed with the number of employees in each office, and have grouped them so that each deployment group has the right number of people. But when I tried to create a Smart Label for those offices/PCs, along with some other filters (eg. filtering out servers, VMs, field equipment, etc.) the "Test" function in the Smart Label wizard is showing me a bunch of systems that should have been filtered out.

Is there an easier way to go about this? Is it really such a terrible idea to just deploy the Office365 upgrade to all 1800 of our systems using the Managed Installation?

1 Comment   [ + ] Show comment
  • I would only separate them out if we have dome dependency on the Add-in , plugin , software that work on specific version of office etc.
    If you don't have any thing that might break. We usually recommend to test it on small portion of different teams than take their feedback and based on take a call to proceed or troubleshoot any issue that might have arisen. - rock_star 1 year ago

Answers (1)

Posted by: Hobbsy 1 year ago
Red Belt

So why not start with creating manual labels for the systems that you wish to avoid, maybe a D_All Servers label for example.

When you then build your deployment smart labels is it easier to exclude by using is not a member of D_All Servers.

If you haven't already done so, can you create simple smart labels based on IP address that sort all devices into their locations.

I would guess that the reason your smart labels are not filtering out would be that the logic in the wizard is not correct, but if you try the above two steps you may find it easier to manage with less complicated smart labels.

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