
Always Deploy Latest Version Of Application(s)?

Anyone have any good workflows on consistently installing the latest versions of applications with Kace SMA/K1000?

Current workflow involves having a calendar reminder go off to get the latest common installers (browsers, VLC, etc.) and then update our managed installs that scheduled deployments, techs, and end users use to install.  We are doing a big desktop deployment/refresh and looking for a better way of deploying the most current version of common software.  Of course, the current versions will be patched by Kace once they hit a deployment window, but looking to increase the efficiency.  Suggestions?

I know on Mac there is the autopkg/r tools that pull the latest versions of apps and then when an install is called, the most current versions are served.  Since I am strictly Windows here, am thinking Kace could deploy Chocolatey, then choco could install the applications, then Kace could patch?  Or maybe have a VM somewhere that has choco (or Ninite?) running an update task every few hours, then push the cached packages to a network share (and strips version number), then have Kace use those packages for installation?  Seems like a lot of potential points of failure on that though.  

How does everyone else do this?  

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Answers (1)

Answer Summary:
Posted by: isudothings 5 years ago
Senior Purple Belt

Top Answer

Sure Chocolatey will be perfect for this. This example installs vlc and vscode. Put as many in the array as you want.

If ($null -eq $Env:ChocolateyInstall) {
Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing -Uri "https://chocolatey.org/install.ps1" |

$ChocoPackages = @(

choco install $ChocoPackages -y

  • Awesome tanks. Chocolatey is pretty easy to use from PS or batch, so easy to push from Kace. - JS_DC 5 years ago
    • One caveat to mention is that the free version of Chocolatey only supports about 30 connections at a time. If you plan to update/install machines en masse, you may hit the limit and get a temporary ban. One way around this is to set up a Nexus OSS repository to act as a proxy. That way your machines all hit the proxy which only sends one request to the Chocolatey servers. - knickelbineb 5 years ago
      • Wow, thanks that looks interesting. I bet the caching part would save a bit of bandwidth too. I would be impressed if we hit 30 connections at a time, that would mean my desktop techs are starting to modernize their imaging/deployment process by using more scripts and less manual clicking. - JS_DC 5 years ago
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