
Alternative Software Download Question

I have an Engineering app that is about 4GB in total size and no repackaging application we've tried can package it up to a nice .msi or anything else. What we had to do was create .bat files that call and customize the install.exe & setup.exe files from the application.

I'm testing the K1000 now and our ultimate goal is to push this mombo package out to individual machines unattended.

Unfortunately the application needs to be run from a local drive, so I need the software to be pushed from the Kbox to the local disk and then the .bat files launched.

We have a ~100 machines that need to be updated so an automated distribution is definately prefered.

Anyone have any experience or ideas with such a senario?

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Answers (3)

Posted by: tstaub 13 years ago
Second Degree Blue Belt
here is my first run through it:
keep in mind there are multiple options and ways to do this

if using the replication share feature for remote sites, that will somewhat determine what options to best utilize
are you using replication shares?

i would suggest breaking this out into two parts:
part 1 - pre-stage or copy the files:
from the scripting module, create a script that will copy the files you need from a file server share to the computer; you can also alternately use the file sync feature to do the same; you can easly add a task to the script that uses a batch file to perform this

part 2: performing the install
it's your option if you want to create another script or add another task to part 1 above and then add a task to run another batch file

If you want to pre-stage the files one day and then install the next day, I'd break it out to two different scripts or use the file sync option to pre-stage
if creating a second script, you can add the verification step to first check if the files are there and if they are to go and perform the install

use smart labels to determine which machines have it and which ones don't and apply the label to the script to control who to deploy the scripts to

this is kinda high level, so please let us know which parts you need help with
Posted by: sgelliott3 13 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
Thanks for the reply.
The directory on the fileserver consists of 5 different sub-directories. We have a copule home made scripts that look to those directories and install the software. Both of your ideas sound great, I think breaking the process into pieces is the way I want to go, however I'm at a loss when it comes to the scripting. In the interest of time, would you have any 'example or sample' type scripts I can reference that are similiar to what I'm trying to do?

I looked at they file sync as another option. For that I'm guessing I would need to zip up the parent directory as I can't seem to grab multiple dirs, then push it to the clients machines and unzip it. Can that all be done via the K1000?
Posted by: cblake 13 years ago
Red Belt
Another idea: What you can do is setup a batch file to map to a network share, and then run the install from that drive letter or UNC path; just upload the batch file as your installer. If you can't for some reason though... I have had some success with this method if you want to try it out.

1. Upload a small file to the software record you want to ultimately have installed (Adobe CS5, AutoCAD, etc.)
2. Using the Resources tab on the 1000 (SettingsàResources) [or the Export tab on the 2000] export the record to the samba share.
3. Download the file from //k1000/client [or //k2000/restore]
4. Open it with 7zip
5. Locate the file you uploaded to the kbox in Software-#.kpkg\Software-#\PAYLOAD\
6. Add your ZIP of the large installer and remove the other file.
7. Save the package (close 7zip and it will offer to do so).
8. Upload the package to //k1000/clientdrop [or //k2000/restore]
9. Import it Using the Resources tab on the 1000 (SettingsàResources) [or the Export tab on the 2000]

The next step would be to set up the MI of course. You could do something similar with a script or postinstall task.
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