
Adobe Captivate 7 - Has anyone successfully automated a silent install for this?

I'm trying to create a silent install package for Captivate 7.  It doesn't appear that this works with AAMEE.  Has anyone been able to do this?  If it won't be possible with AAMEE, is there a way to do it with cmd line switches?

I posted on the Adobe forums a while back... no luck there.

5 Comments   [ + ] Show comments
  • I don't have an answer for you, but there was an Adobe rep in this discussion: http://www.itninja.com/blog/view/adobe-captivate-6 - jknox 11 years ago
  • Thanks jknox. I saw that one before but didn't think to comment in it. I'll try that and see if the rep responds. - joeostrander 11 years ago
  • When posting, it may be helpful to include the version of AAMEE you are using. My experience of packaging CS5.5 and CS6 is that each version appears to work with a specific version of AAMEE, so for example you cannot use the CS6 version (3.x) with a CS5.5 app. - EdT 11 years ago
    • Sure, I'm using the latest version, 3.1. - joeostrander 11 years ago
  • It sounds like AAMEE is no longer used for Captivate. The new technology is "Creative Cloud Packager". I'm Testing now... - joeostrander 11 years ago
    • I got the Creative Cloud Packager to run now... had to bypass our firewall to do it. Unfortunately Captivate 7 isn't in the list of Apps to choose from. - joeostrander 11 years ago
  • I just finished creating a Captivate 7 package. I was able to download Creative Cloud Packager (installer) from the Adobe Licensing Website (LWS). One thing that did hold me up was that some of the URLs needed for authentication was blocked by our network security. The indication was that it would never move beyond the login page when opening CCP. Below is a list of URLs that Adobe indicated needed to be opened.

    ccmdls.adobe.com: port 443
    ims-na1.adobelogin.com port 443
    na1r.services.adobe.com: port 443
    prod-rel-ffc-ccm.oobesaas.adobe.com: port 443
    lm.licenses.adobe.com: port 443
    cmdl.adobe.com: port 80
    swupmf.adobe.com: port 80
    wupdl.adobe.com: port 80
    activate.adobe.com: port 443 - sconnaug 10 years ago

Answers (4)

Answer Summary:
Posted by: anonymous_97535 10 years ago
White Belt

I made it silent with this commandline:

\\path\to\file\set-up.exe --mode=silent --deploymentFile="\\path\to\file\install.xml" --overrideFile="\\path\to\file\application.xml.override" --action=install


you need to replace {XXX} with the ID beetween 

<mediaSignature> </mediaSignature>

tags from the Setup.xml found in the payload folder from the installer

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <Property name="EULA_LANGUAGE">en_US</Property>
        <Property name="eula_EPIC_EULA_ACCEPTED">1</Property>
        <Property name="eula_EPIC_EULA_SELECTED">0</Property>
        <Property name="INSTALLDIR">C:\Programme\Adobe</Property>
        <Property name="defaultLanguage">de_DE</Property>
        <Property name="installLanguage">de_DE</Property>
        <Property name="driverAdobeCode">{XXX}</Property>
        <Payload adobeCode="{XXX}">



you need to replace {XXX} with the ID beetween 

<mediaSignature> </mediaSignature>

tags from the Setup.xml in the payload folder from the installer

you need to replace YYY with your serial (without the minus, only numbers)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Payload adobeCode="{XXX}">
<Data key="Serial" protected="0">YYY</Data>
<Data key="Registration">Suppress</Data>
<Data key="EULADelay">-1</Data>
<Data key="Updates">Suppress</Data>


  • Thanks miyata, nice work. I tested it out and it worked for me too. I'm sticking with the CCP method for my package though, it allows you to skip the registration process after install.

    One note for others using this method... make sure you set your preferred language for installLanguage & defaultLanguage in the XML (this example is in German). - joeostrander 10 years ago
  • This is a nice post, it is indeed doing a silent install but after installation when I'm trying to launch the application I,m getting configuration error:5 , I have tried in 2 different machines but with same error. please help me out. thanks in advance. - susobhanray 10 years ago
Posted by: joeostrander 10 years ago
Third Degree Blue Belt

I finally found out how to get Creative Cloud Packager and package Captivate 7...

There is a lot of outdated info online about Creative Cloud Packager... so it can be hard to find!

For instance... some Adobe sites will tell you to download it from the Adobe Licensing Website (LWS)... that is no longer true.


1) Download Creative Cloud Packager

Login to:



Find the section titled "IT Deployment" on the right side of the page

If you do not see the section... then the ID you signed in with does not have access to download.


Click on the link for "CCP (Windows)" to download "CCPLauncher.exe"


2) Launch the install "CCPLauncher.exe".  You MAY need to adjust firewall/proxy settings for this to work.  For other Creative Cloud stuff, I had to bypass our firewall completely to get it working.


3) Choose the 2nd login option "I am an Enterprise, Government or Education Customer" and use the same credentials you used at creative.adobe.com


4) You should see a button for "Create Package", click that


5) When prompted, enter your enterprise license key for Captivate 7


6) Enter the package details

I entered:

Package name:  Captivate7_64bit

Save to:  C:\Captivate7_64

License type:  Package with License

32-bit/64-bit:  64-bit Package

Package configurations:  Default


7) Applications & Updates

Select your language and the options appear.  I chose to only do Captivate 7 & Updates

Click Build and the download should start


here's where I got some of the useful info:


ignore the part where it says to go to LWS (Adobe Licensing Website) downloads for CCP



Posted by: GamyG 11 years ago
White Belt

Here is your answer. I have the same issue.


To create deployment Package for Captivate 7, we will have to use Creative Cloud Packager 1.1

Adobe Application Manager Enterprise Edition 3.1 will not detect the installer for Captivate 7.

It seems we are not alone in our quest. However, the question is, "Is your organization a Creative Cloud customer?" I was told Captivate 7 is not a Creative Cloud product, but at the same time can only be packaged with the Creative Cloud "free tool" Creative Cloud Packager. I obtained access to the installer for that tool, but since I am not a Creative Cloud customer, it will not accept my Adobe ID and therefore will not install. I am waiting to hear back from Adobe on this one.

  • Thanks GamyG, but that's my own post I referred to at the top and in the comments. So far I haven't had any luck with Creative Cloud Packager as the installer bombs out when it's downloading components. - joeostrander 11 years ago
  • Could someone share the Adobe creative cloud packager (exe) with me as I am unable to locate this tool.
    Cheers. Thanks in advance. - randhir_9 10 years ago
    • If the download link isn't available, then you aren't signed in to creative.adobe.com with a Team Admin ID.
      If you don't have a Team Admin ID, then the CCP won't help you because it won't be able to create and download the package from Adobe. - joeostrander 10 years ago
    • I know this post is old, but with the help of the licensing guys from my company, I managed to get this dreaded packager, and here are download links so people quit wasting time trying to get it from Adobe.

      Download manager to get latest version:

      Full v1.6 setup downloaded on 2014-09-25:

      You don't need a cloud subscription or enterprise account to use it, a basic free Adobe account seems to work, as long as you have a serial number for the product you want to pack.

      For older software like Captivate 7, you might have to check "Show archived versions" when you get to the "Applications & Updates" step. - AgentRev 9 years ago
  • I was told (by Adobe customer support) that AAMEE 3.1 has a bug regarding Captivate 7 and that Adobe is working on the issue. The acknowledged the issue.
    I've still got a case open at Adobe at the moment... no solution yet for customers who are unable to use the CCP. - MDoelman 10 years ago
Posted by: dj_xest 10 years ago
5th Degree Black Belt

It is indeed that CCP is the right tool to create the MSI for Captivate 7. Please be wary also to not forget the MS Visual Redistributables that you need to deploy separately and some components inside the Exceptions folder.

All of those extra stuff can be found if you install the original media of Captivate 7. Check the ARP for more details sorted by date.

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