
How to remove the files using remove file table in install shield 2012.

How to remove the files using remove file table. Also I want to delete my INSTALLDIR all files & folders how to do it remove file table. I did it in installscript some time it's deleting some time it's not deleting (due to admin rights ,UAC Enabling). That's why I'm asking about remove file table

Note : I'm using basic MSI project in install shield 2012. 


  • shouldn't this be in questions??? - Badger 10 years ago
  • create a row in removeFile table, give it the name of the file (as it appears in the FileTable) and the Dir where the file exists. (you can use wildcards, but be VERY careful is using a DIR like WindowsFolder...) then set an InstallMode for the removal.
    1:remove file when assoc comp is removed
    2: remove file when assoc comp is Installed
    3: remove file in either case (of the above) - Badger 10 years ago
  • I tried in installshiled 2012 basic msi. but it's nnot working. - perumaldass 10 years ago
  • Clearly you did something wrong. What does a verbose log tell you? - EdT 10 years ago
  • I have created the new project(testing purpose) and I tried with remove file table it's working all are the files deleted even manually putting some files that also removed. But I have many subfolders how to remove that not possible to mention one by one in remove file table.my software contains many subfolders... - perumaldass 10 years ago
  • So, the general rule is, what the MSI puts down, the MSI will remove. If things are not being removed they are being created by the app at run time. Is this app creating extra files in all of those subfolders?? - Badger 10 years ago
  • I think custom action is the best solution. UAC might not be a problem, because as you are uninstalling your MSI, it will require admin rights. Put your custom action in Deferred mode and Run it in System Context. - Rahul.C.Gaikwad 10 years ago
  • After putting Deferred mode and Run it in System Context install script is not working. but through cmd prompt i can delete the file..
    when UAC Is enabled Install script Not forcefully deleting... - perumal9791 9 years ago
  • There is an error in your script - EdT 9 years ago
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