
Deploying VLC 2.2.2 for Enterprise (auto update disabled, no prompts)

I wrote a well manicured post that gave a play-by-play walkthrough of VLC 2.2.2 deployment, but got sidetracked testing a different deployment and came back to my computer to find my post eaten due to excessive idling.  I'll give you the gist, it just won't be as pretty.

The following assumes you have a healthy SCCM 2012 environment setup and are attempting to install VLC 2.2.2 (64-bit).

Those of you who have already fought with the application know that VLC is a user-based installation.  To give you a little background, I work for a school district with over 27k clients managed through SCCM.   As you can imagine our deployments can get out of control very easily if we deviate from the standards we maintain.   Since we've recently started rolling out Windows 10 which no longer comes with a DVD codec natively, we turned to VLC as a potential solution which is a great little app that plays just about anything you throw at it. The package, which installs per-user, prompts for update and privacy preferences after the initial installation.  My targets were the following:

  • Installed for all users
  • No prompts upon application launch
  • Auto-update disabled by default
  • No shortcut on desktop

After scouring the net and a fair amount of testing, the following is the method I've used to achieve all of our objectives on both Windows 7 and Windows 10.

First create an application that calls a script installer with the deployment type set to Install for System.  In the directory of your repo where vlc-2.2.2-win64.exe is stored, create the following install.cmd script:

REM Uninstall existing VLC version
if exist "%PROGRAMFILES%\VideoLAN\VLC\uninstall.exe" "%PROGRAMFILES%\VideoLAN\VLC\uninstall.exe" /S
if exist "%PROGRAMFILES(x86)%\VideoLAN\VLC\uninstall.exe" "%PROGRAMFILES% (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\uninstall.exe" /S
:: Wait for 20 seconds
ping -n 20 > NUL
REM Create dir
if not exist "C:\Users\Default\AppData\Roaming\vlc" md "C:\Users\Default\AppData\Roaming\vlc"
REM Copy VLCRC file
copy /y "%~dp0vlcrc*" "C:\Users\Default\AppData\Roaming\vlc\"

REM Run VLC Installer
"%~dp0vlc-2.2.2-win64.exe" /l=1033 /S

REM Return exit code to SCCM
exit /B %EXIT_CODE%

This script copies a file called vlcrc to C:\Users\Default\AppData\Roaming\vlc that we'll create next.  It holds the configuration VLC keys off of when it's initially launched and can be found in %AppData%\vlc post-installation.  On a test system, set the preferences within VLC to your liking and copy that file to the application's source folder in SCCM.  Alternatively, copy the contents below and save it as a file named vlcrc.file and drop it into your new application's source folder.

### vlc 2.2.2

### lines beginning with a '#' character are comments

[visual] # Visualizer filter

# Effects list (string)

# Video width (integer)

# Video height (integer)

# FFT window (string)

# Kaiser window parameter (float)

# Show 80 bands instead of 20 (boolean)

# Draw peaks in the analyzer (boolean)

# Enable original graphic spectrum (boolean)

# Draw the base of the bands (boolean)

# Base pixel radius (integer)

# Spectral sections (integer)

# V-plane color (integer)

# Draw bands in the spectrometer (boolean)

# Show 80 bands instead of 20 (boolean)

# Number of blank pixels between bands. (integer)

# Amplification (integer)

# Draw peaks in the analyzer (boolean)

# Peak extra width (integer)

# Peak height (integer)

[projectm] # libprojectM effect

# projectM preset path (string)

# Title font (string)

# Font menu (string)

# Video width (integer)

# Video height (integer)

# Mesh width (integer)

# Mesh height (integer)

# Texture size (integer)

[goom] # Goom effect

# Goom display width (integer)

# Goom display height (integer)

# Goom animation speed (integer)

[glspectrum] # 3D OpenGL spectrum visualization

# Video width (integer)

# Video height (integer)

[wall] # Wall video filter

# Number of columns (integer)

# Number of rows (integer)

# Active windows (string)

# Element aspect ratio (string)

[panoramix] # Panoramix: wall with overlap video filter

# Number of columns (integer)

# Number of rows (integer)

# length of the overlapping area (in %) (integer)

# height of the overlapping area (in %) (integer)

# Attenuation (boolean)

# Attenuation, begin (in %) (integer)

# Attenuation, middle (in %) (integer)

# Attenuation, end (in %) (integer)

# middle position (in %) (integer)

# Gamma (Red) correction (float)

# Gamma (Green) correction (float)

# Gamma (Blue) correction (float)

# Black Crush for Red (integer)

# Black Crush for Green (integer)

# Black Crush for Blue (integer)

# White Crush for Red (integer)

# White Crush for Green (integer)

# White Crush for Blue (integer)

# Black Level for Red (integer)

# Black Level for Green (integer)

# Black Level for Blue (integer)

# White Level for Red (integer)

# White Level for Green (integer)

# White Level for Blue (integer)

# Active windows (string)

[clone] # Clone video filter

# Number of clones (integer)

# Video output modules (string)

[yuv] # YUV video output

# device, fifo or filename (string)

# Chroma used (string)

# YUV4MPEG2 header (default disabled) (boolean)

[vmem] # Video memory output

# Width (integer)

# Height (integer)

# Pitch (integer)

# Chroma (string)

[vdummy] # Dummy video output

# Dummy image chroma format (string)

[gl] # OpenGL video output (experimental)

# OpenGL extension (string)

[glwin32] # OpenGL video output

# GPU affinity (integer)

[drawable] # Embedded window video

[directdraw] # DirectX (DirectDraw) video output

# Use hardware YUV->RGB conversions (boolean)

# Use video buffers in system memory (boolean)

# Use triple buffering for overlays (boolean)

# Name of desired display device (string)

[direct3d] # Direct3D video output

# Use hardware blending support (boolean)

# Pixel Shader (string)

# Path to HLSL file (string)

[transform] # Video transformation filter

# Transform type (string)

[subsdelay] # Subtitle delay

# Delay calculation mode (integer)

# Calculation factor (float)

# Maximum overlapping subtitles (integer)

# Minimum alpha value (integer)

# Interval between two disappearances (integer)

# Interval between appearance and disappearance (integer)

# Interval between disappearance and appearance (integer)

[sharpen] # Sharpen video filter

# Sharpen strength (0-2) (float)

[sepia] # Sepia video filter

# Sepia intensity (integer)

[scene] # Scene video filter

# Image format (string)

# Image width (integer)

# Image height (integer)

# Filename prefix (string)

# Directory path prefix (string)

# Always write to the same file (boolean)

# Recording ratio (integer)

[rss] # RSS and Atom feed display

# Feed URLs (string)

# X offset (integer)

# Y offset (integer)

# Text position (integer)

# Opacity (integer)

# Color (integer)

# Font size, pixels (integer)

# Speed of feeds (integer)

# Max length (integer)

# Refresh time (integer)

# Feed images (boolean)

# Title display mode (integer)

[rotate] # Rotate video filter

# Angle in degrees (float)

# Use motion sensors (boolean)

[remoteosd] # Remote-OSD over VNC

# VNC Host (string)

# VNC Port (integer)

# VNC Password (string)

# VNC poll interval (integer)

# VNC polling (boolean)

# Mouse events (boolean)

# Key events (boolean)

# Alpha transparency value (default 255) (integer)

[puzzle] # Puzzle interactive game video filter

# Number of puzzle rows (integer)

# Number of puzzle columns (integer)

# Border (integer)

# Small preview (boolean)

# Small preview size (integer)

# Piece edge shape size (integer)

# Auto shuffle (integer)

# Auto solve (integer)

# Rotation (integer)

# Game mode (integer)

[postproc] # Video post processing filter

# Post processing quality (integer)

# FFmpeg post processing filter chains (string)

[posterize] # Posterize video filter

# Posterize level (integer)

[motionblur] # Motion blur filter

# Blur factor (1-127) (integer)

[mosaic] # Mosaic video sub source

# Transparency (integer)

# Height (integer)

# Width (integer)

# Mosaic alignment (integer)

# Top left corner X coordinate (integer)

# Top left corner Y coordinate (integer)

# Border width (integer)

# Border height (integer)

# Positioning method (integer)

# Number of rows (integer)

# Number of columns (integer)

# Keep aspect ratio (boolean)

# Keep original size (boolean)

# Elements order (string)

# Offsets in order (string)

# Delay (integer)

[mirror] # Mirror video filter

# Mirror orientation (integer)

# Direction (integer)

[marq] # Marquee display

# Text (string)

# Text file (string)

# X offset (integer)

# Y offset (integer)

# Marquee position (integer)

# Opacity (integer)

# Color (integer)

# Font size, pixels (integer)

# Timeout (integer)

# Refresh period in ms (integer)

[logo] # Logo sub source

# Logo filenames (string)

# X coordinate (integer)

# Y coordinate (integer)

# Logo individual image time in ms (integer)

# Logo animation # of loops (integer)

# Opacity of the logo (integer)

# Logo position (integer)

[hqdn3d] # High Quality 3D Denoiser filter

# Spatial luma strength (0-254) (float)

# Spatial chroma strength (0-254) (float)

# Temporal luma strength (0-254) (float)

# Temporal chroma strength (0-254) (float)

[grain] # Grain video filter

# Variance (float)

# Minimal period (integer)

# Maximal period (integer)

[gradient] # Gradient video filter

# Distort mode (string)

# Gradient image type (integer)

# Apply cartoon effect (boolean)

[gradfun] # Gradfun video filter

# Radius (integer)

# Strength (float)

[gaussianblur] # Gaussian blur video filter

# Gaussian's std deviation (float)

[extract] # Extract RGB component video filter

# RGB component to extract (integer)

[erase] # Erase video filter

# Image mask (string)

# X coordinate (integer)

# Y coordinate (integer)

[deinterlace] # Deinterlacing video filter

# Streaming deinterlace mode (string)

# Phosphor chroma mode for 4:2:0 input (integer)

# Phosphor old field dimmer strength (integer)

[croppadd] # Video cropping filter

# Pixels to crop from top (integer)

# Pixels to crop from bottom (integer)

# Pixels to crop from left (integer)

# Pixels to crop from right (integer)

# Pixels to padd to top (integer)

# Pixels to padd to bottom (integer)

# Pixels to padd to left (integer)

# Pixels to padd to right (integer)

[colorthres] # Color threshold filter

# Color (integer)

# Saturation threshold (integer)

# Similarity threshold (integer)

[canvas] # Canvas video filter

# Output width (integer)

# Output height (integer)

# Output picture aspect ratio (string)

# Pad video (boolean)

[bluescreen] # Bluescreen video filter

# Bluescreen U value (integer)

# Bluescreen V value (integer)

# Bluescreen U tolerance (integer)

# Bluescreen V tolerance (integer)

[blendbench] # Blending benchmark filter

# Number of time to blend (integer)

# Alpha of the blended image (integer)

# Image to be blended onto (string)

# Chroma for the base image (string)

# Image which will be blended (string)

# Chroma for the blend image (string)

[ball] # Ball video filter

# Ball color (string)

# Ball speed (integer)

# Ball size (integer)

# Gradient threshold (integer)

# Edge visible (boolean)

[audiobargraph_v] # Audio Bar Graph Video sub source

# X coordinate (integer)

# Y coordinate (integer)

# Transparency of the bargraph (integer)

# Bargraph position (integer)

# Bar width in pixel (default : 10) (integer)

[atmo] # AtmoLight Filter

# Device type (integer)

# Serial Port/Device (string)

# Filename of AtmoWin*.exe (string)

# Color when paused (boolean)

# Pause-Red (integer)

# Pause-Green (integer)

# Pause-Blue (integer)

# Pause-Fadesteps (integer)

# End-Red (integer)

# End-Green (integer)

# End-Blue (integer)

# End-Fadesteps (integer)

# Count of AtmoLight channels (integer)

# DMX address for each channel (string)

# Count of channels (integer)

# Count of fnordlicht's (integer)

# Number of zones on top (integer)

# Number of zones on bottom (integer)

# Zones on left / right side (integer)

# Calculate a average zone (boolean)

# Edge weightning (integer)

# Brightness (integer)

# Darkness limit (integer)

# Hue windowing (integer)

# Sat windowing (integer)

# Output Color filter mode (integer)

# Filter length (ms) (integer)

# Filter threshold (integer)

# Filter smoothness (%) (integer)

# Frame delay (ms) (integer)

# Channel 0: summary (integer)

# Channel 1: left (integer)

# Channel 2: right (integer)

# Channel 3: top (integer)

# Channel 4: bottom (integer)

# Channel / Zone Assignment (string)

# Use Software White adjust (boolean)

# White Red (integer)

# White Green (integer)

# White Blue (integer)

# Zone 0: Top gradient (string)

# Zone 1: Right gradient (string)

# Zone 2: Bottom gradient (string)

# Zone 3: Left gradient (string)

# Zone 4: Summary gradient (string)

# Gradient bitmap searchpath (string)

# Extracted Image Width (integer)

# Extracted Image Height (integer)

# Mark analyzed pixels (boolean)

[antiflicker] # antiflicker video filter

# Window size (integer)

# Softening value (integer)

[anaglyph] # Convert 3D picture to anaglyph image video filter

# Color scheme (string)

[alphamask] # Alpha mask video filter

# Transparency mask (string)

[adjust] # Image properties filter

# Image contrast (0-2) (float)

# Image brightness (0-2) (float)

# Image hue (0-360) (integer)

# Image saturation (0-3) (float)

# Image gamma (0-10) (float)

# Brightness threshold (boolean)

[swscale] # Video scaling filter

# Scaling mode (integer)

[freetype] # Freetype2 font renderer

# Font (string)

# Monospace Font (string)
#freetype-monofont=Courier New

# Font size in pixels (integer)

# Relative font size (integer)

# Text opacity (integer)

# Text default color (integer)

# Force bold (boolean)

# Background opacity (integer)

# Background color (integer)

# Outline opacity (integer)

# Outline color (integer)

# Outline thickness (integer)

# Shadow opacity (integer)

# Shadow color (integer)

# Shadow angle (float)

# Shadow distance (float)

# Use YUVP renderer (boolean)

[stream_out_transcode] # Transcode stream output

# Video encoder (string)

# Destination video codec (string)

# Video bitrate (integer)

# Video scaling (float)

# Video frame-rate (string)

# Deinterlace video (boolean)

# Deinterlace module (string)

# Video width (integer)

# Video height (integer)

# Maximum video width (integer)

# Maximum video height (integer)

# Video filter (string)

# Audio encoder (string)

# Destination audio codec (string)

# Audio bitrate (integer)

# Audio language (string)

# Audio channels (integer)

# Audio sample rate (integer)

# Audio filter (string)

# Subtitle encoder (string)

# Destination subtitle codec (string)

# Destination subtitle codec (boolean)

# Overlays (string)

# OSD menu (boolean)

# Number of threads (integer)

# High priority (boolean)

[stream_out_stats] # Writes statistic info about stream

# Output file (string)

# Prefix to show on output line (string)

[stream_out_standard] # Standard stream output

# Output access method (string)

# Output muxer (string)

# Output destination (string)

# address to bind to (helper setting for dst) (string)

# filename for stream (helper setting for dst) (string)

# SAP announcing (boolean)

# Session name (string)

# Session description (string)

# Session URL (string)

# Session email (string)

# Session phone number (string)

[stream_out_smem] # Stream output to memory buffer

# Time Synchronized output (boolean)

[stream_out_setid] # Change the id of an elementary stream

# Elementary Stream ID (integer)

# New ES ID (integer)

# Elementary Stream ID (integer)

# Language (string)

[stream_out_rtp] # RTP stream output

# Destination (string)

# SDP (string)

# Muxer (string)

# SAP announcing (boolean)

# Session name (string)

# Session category (string)

# Session description (string)

# Session URL (string)

# Session email (string)

# Session phone number (string)

# Transport protocol (string)

# Port (integer)

# Audio port (integer)

# Video port (integer)

# Hop limit (TTL) (integer)

# RTP/RTCP multiplexing (boolean)

# Caching value (ms) (integer)

# SRTP key (hexadecimal) (string)

# SRTP salt (hexadecimal) (string)

# MP4A LATM (boolean)

# RTSP session timeout (s) (integer)

# Username (string)

# Password (string)

[stream_out_record] # Record stream output

# Destination prefix (string)

[stream_out_raop] # Remote Audio Output Protocol stream output

# Host (string)

# Password (string)

# Password file (string)

# Volume (integer)

[stream_out_mosaic_bridge] # Mosaic bridge stream output

# ID (string)

# Video width (integer)

# Video height (integer)

# Sample aspect ratio (string)

# Image chroma (string)

# Video filter (string)

# Transparency (integer)

# X offset (integer)

# Y offset (integer)

[stream_out_langfromtelx] # Dynamic language setting from teletext

# Elementary Stream ID (integer)

# Magazine (integer)

# Page (integer)

# Row (integer)

[stream_out_es] # Elementary stream output

# Output access method (string)

# Output muxer (string)

# Output URL (string)

# Audio output access method (string)

# Audio output muxer (string)

# Audio output URL (string)

# Video output access method (string)

# Video output muxer (string)

# Video output URL (string)

[stream_out_display] # Display stream output

# Enable audio (boolean)

# Enable video (boolean)

# Delay (ms) (integer)

[stream_out_delay] # Delay a stream

# Elementary Stream ID (integer)

# Delay of the ES (ms) (integer)

[stream_out_chromaprint] # Chromaprint stream output

# Duration of the fingerprinting (integer)

[stream_out_bridge] # Bridge stream output

# ID (integer)

# Destination bridge-in name (string)

# Delay (integer)

# ID Offset (integer)

# Name of current instance (string)

# Fallback to placeholder stream when out of data (boolean)

# Placeholder delay (integer)

# Wait for I frame before toggling placeholder (boolean)

[dash] # Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP

# Preferred Width (integer)

# Preferred Height (integer)

# Buffer Size (Seconds) (integer)

[sap] # Network streams (SAP)

# SAP multicast address (string)

# SAP timeout (seconds) (integer)

# Try to parse the announce (boolean)

# SAP Strict mode (boolean)

[podcast] # Podcasts

# Podcast URLs list (string)

[packetizer_mpegvideo] # MPEG-I/II video packetizer

# Sync on Intra Frame (boolean)

[mux_ts] # TS muxer (libdvbpsi)

# Video PID (integer)

# Audio PID (integer)

# SPU PID (integer)

# PMT PID (integer)

# TS ID (integer)

# NET ID (integer)

# PMT Program numbers (string)

# Set PID to ID of ES (boolean)

# Mux PMT (requires --sout-ts-es-id-pid) (string)

# SDT Descriptors (requires --sout-ts-es-id-pid) (string)

# Data alignment (boolean)

# Shaping delay (ms) (integer)

# Use keyframes (boolean)

# PCR interval (ms) (integer)

# Minimum B (deprecated) (integer)

# Maximum B (deprecated) (integer)

# DTS delay (ms) (integer)

# Crypt audio (boolean)

# Crypt video (boolean)

# CSA Key (string)

# Second CSA Key (string)

# CSA Key in use (string)

# Packet size in bytes to encrypt (integer)

[mux_ps] # PS muxer

# DTS delay (ms) (integer)

# PES maximum size (integer)

[mux_ogg] # Ogg/OGM muxer

# Index interval (integer)

# Index size ratio (float)

[mux_mp4] # MP4/MOV muxer

# Create "Fast Start" files (boolean)

[mux_avi] # AVI muxer

# Artist (string)

# Date (string)

# Genre (string)

# Copyright (string)

# Comment (string)

# Name (string)

# Subject (string)

# Encoder (string)
#sout-avi-encoder=VLC Media Player - 2.2.2 Weatherwax

# Keywords (string)

[mux_asf] # ASF muxer

# Title (string)

# Author (string)

# Copyright (string)

# Comment (string)

# Rating (string)

# Packet Size (integer)

# Bitrate override (integer)

[vod_rtsp] # Legacy RTSP VoD server

# MUX for RAW RTSP transport (string)

# Maximum number of connections (integer)

# Sets the timeout option in the RTSP session string (integer)

[logger] # File logging

# Log filename (string)

# Log format (string)

# Verbosity (integer)

[gnutls] # GNU TLS transport layer security

# TLS cipher priorities (string)

[audioscrobbler] # Submission of played songs to last.fm

# Username (string)

# Password (string)

# Scrobbler URL (string)

[folder] # Folder meta data

# Album art filename (string)

[lua] # Lua interpreter

# Lua interface (string)

# Lua interface configuration (string)

# Password (string)

# Source directory (string)

# Directory index (boolean)

# TCP command input (string)

# CLI input (string)

# Host (string)

# Port (integer)

# Password (string)

[skins2] # Skinnable Interface

# Skin to use (string)

# Config of last used skin (string)

# Systray icon (boolean)

# Show VLC on the taskbar (boolean)

# Enable transparency effects (boolean)

# Use a skinned playlist (boolean)

# Display video in a skinned window if any (boolean)

[qt4] # Qt interface

# Start in minimal view (without menus) (boolean)

# Systray icon (boolean)

# Show notification popup on track change (integer)

# Start VLC with only a systray icon (boolean)

# Pause the video playback when minimized (boolean)

# Windows opacity between 0.1 and 1 (float)

# Fullscreen controller opacity between 0.1 and 1 (float)

# Resize interface to the native video size (boolean)

# Show playing item name in window title (boolean)

# Show a controller in fullscreen mode (boolean)

# Save the recently played items in the menu (boolean)

# List of words separated by | to filter (string)

# Continue playback? (integer)

# Activate the updates availability notification (boolean)

# Number of days between two update checks (integer)

# Ignore keyboard volume buttons. (boolean)

# Embed the file browser in open dialog (boolean)

# Show advanced preferences over simple ones (boolean)

# Show unimportant error and warnings dialogs (boolean)

# Define the colors of the volume slider (string)

# Ask for network policy at start (boolean)

# Define which screen fullscreen goes (integer)

# Load extensions on startup (boolean)

# Display background cone or art (boolean)

# Expanding background cone or art. (boolean)

# Allow automatic icon changes (boolean)

# Maximum Volume displayed (integer)

# Fullscreen controller mouse sensitivity (integer)

[vc1] # VC1 video demuxer

# Frames per Second (float)

[ts] # MPEG Transport Stream demuxer

# Extra PMT (string)

# Trust in-stream PCR (boolean)

# Set id of ES to PID (boolean)

# CSA Key (string)

# Second CSA Key (string)

# Packet size in bytes to decrypt (integer)

# Separate sub-streams (boolean)

# Seek based on percent not time (boolean)

[subtitle] # Text subtitle parser

# Frames per Second (float)

# Subtitle delay (integer)

# Subtitle format (string)

# Subtitle description (string)

[rawvid] # Raw video demuxer

# Frames per Second (string)

# Width (integer)

# Height (integer)

# Force chroma (Use carefully) (string)

# Aspect ratio (string)

[rawdv] # DV (Digital Video) demuxer

# Hurry up (boolean)

[rawaud] # Raw audio demuxer

# Audio channels (integer)

# Audio samplerate (Hz) (integer)

# FOURCC code of raw input format (string)

# Forces the audio language (string)

[ps] # MPEG-PS demuxer

# Trust MPEG timestamps (boolean)

[playlist] # Playlist

# Skip ads (boolean)

# Show shoutcast adult content (boolean)

[mod] # MOD demuxer (libmodplug)

# Noise reduction (boolean)

# Reverb (boolean)

# Reverberation level (integer)

# Reverberation delay (integer)

# Mega bass (boolean)

# Mega bass level (integer)

# Mega bass cutoff (integer)

# Surround (boolean)

# Surround level (integer)

# Surround delay (ms) (integer)

[mkv] # Matroska stream demuxer

# Respect ordered chapters (boolean)

# Chapter codecs (boolean)

# Preload MKV files in the same directory (boolean)

# Seek based on percent not time (boolean)

# Dummy Elements (boolean)

[mjpeg] # M-JPEG camera demuxer

# Frames per Second (float)

[image] # Image demuxer

# ES ID (integer)

# Group (integer)

# Decode (boolean)

# Forced chroma (string)

# Duration in seconds (float)

# Frame rate (string)

# Real-time (boolean)

[hevc] # HEVC/H.265 video demuxer

# Frames per Second (float)

[h264] # H264 video demuxer

# Frames per Second (float)

[es] # MPEG-I/II/4 / A52 / DTS / MLP audio

# Frames per Second (float)

[diracsys] # Dirac video demuxer

# Value to adjust dts by (integer)

[demuxdump] # File dumper

# Dump module (string)

# Dump filename (string)

# Append to existing file (boolean)

[avi] # AVI demuxer

# Force interleaved method (boolean)

# Force index creation (integer)

[oldrc] # Remote control interface

# Show stream position (boolean)

# Do not open a DOS command box interface (boolean)

# TCP command input (string)

[ntservice] # Windows Service interface

# Install Windows Service (boolean)

# Uninstall Windows Service (boolean)

# Display name of the Service (string)
#ntservice-name=VLC media player

# Configuration options (string)

# Extra interface modules (string)

[netsync] # Network synchronization

# Network master clock (boolean)

# Master server ip address (string)

# UDP timeout (in ms) (integer)

[gestures] # Mouse gestures control interface

# Motion threshold (10-100) (integer)

# Trigger button (string)

[dummy] # Dummy interface

# Do not open a DOS command box interface (boolean)

[zvbi] # VBI and Teletext decoder

# Teletext page (integer)

# Teletext transparency (boolean)

# Teletext alignment (integer)

# Teletext text subtitles (boolean)

[x264] # H.264/MPEG-4 Part 10/AVC encoder (x264)

# Maximum GOP size (integer)

# Minimum GOP size (integer)

# Use recovery points to close GOPs (boolean)

# Enable compatibility hacks for Blu-ray support (boolean)

# Extra I-frames aggressivity (integer)

# B-frames between I and P (integer)

# Adaptive B-frame decision (integer)

# Influence (bias) B-frames usage (integer)

# Keep some B-frames as references (string)

# CABAC (boolean)

# Use fullrange instead of TV colorrange (boolean)

# Number of reference frames (integer)

# Skip loop filter (boolean)

# Loop filter AlphaC0 and Beta parameters alpha:beta (string)

# Strength of psychovisual optimization, default is "1.0:0.0" (string)

# Use Psy-optimizations (boolean)

# H.264 level (string)

# H.264 profile (string)

# Interlaced mode (boolean)

# Frame packing (integer)

# Force number of slices per frame (integer)

# Limit the size of each slice in bytes (integer)

# Limit the size of each slice in macroblocks (integer)

# HRD-timing information (string)

# Set QP (integer)

# Quality-based VBR (integer)

# Min QP (integer)

# Max QP (integer)

# Max QP step (integer)

# Average bitrate tolerance (float)

# Max local bitrate (integer)

# VBV buffer (integer)

# Initial VBV buffer occupancy (float)

# QP factor between I and P (float)

# QP factor between P and B (float)

# QP difference between chroma and luma (integer)

# Multipass ratecontrol (integer)

# QP curve compression (float)

# Reduce fluctuations in QP (float)

# Reduce fluctuations in QP (float)

# How AQ distributes bits (integer)

# Strength of AQ (float)

# Partitions to consider (string)

# Direct MV prediction mode (string)

# Direct prediction size (integer)

# Weighted prediction for B-frames (boolean)

# Weighted prediction for P-frames (integer)

# Integer pixel motion estimation method (string)

# Maximum motion vector search range (integer)

# Maximum motion vector length (integer)

# Minimum buffer space between threads (integer)

# Subpixel motion estimation and partition decision quality (integer)

# Decide references on a per partition basis (boolean)

# Chroma in motion estimation (boolean)

# Adaptive spatial transform size (boolean)

# Trellis RD quantization (integer)

# Framecount to use on frametype lookahead (integer)

# Use Periodic Intra Refresh (boolean)

# Use mb-tree ratecontrol (boolean)

# Early SKIP detection on P-frames (boolean)

# Coefficient thresholding on P-frames (boolean)

# Noise reduction (integer)

# Inter luma quantization deadzone (integer)

# Intra luma quantization deadzone (integer)

# Non-deterministic optimizations when threaded (boolean)

# CPU optimizations (boolean)

# PSNR computation (boolean)

# SSIM computation (boolean)

# Quiet mode (boolean)

# SPS and PPS id numbers (integer)

# Access unit delimiters (boolean)

# Statistics (boolean)

# Filename for 2 pass stats file (string)

# Default preset setting used (string)

# Default tune setting used (string)

# x264 advanced options. (string)

[vorbis] # Vorbis audio decoder

# Encoding quality (integer)

# Maximum encoding bitrate (integer)

# Minimum encoding bitrate (integer)

# CBR encoding (boolean)

[twolame] # Libtwolame audio encoder

# Encoding quality (float)

# Stereo mode (integer)

# VBR mode (boolean)

# Psycho-acoustic model (integer)

[theora] # Theora video decoder

# Post processing quality (integer)

# Encoding quality (integer)

[svcdsub] # Philips OGT (SVCD subtitle) decoder

[subsdec] # Text subtitle decoder

# Subtitle justification (integer)

# Subtitle text encoding (string)

# UTF-8 subtitle autodetection (boolean)

# Formatted Subtitles (boolean)

[spudec] # DVD subtitles decoder

# Disable DVD subtitle transparency (boolean)

[speex] # Speex audio decoder

# Mode (integer)

# Encoding complexity (integer)

# CBR encoding (boolean)

# Encoding quality (float)

# Maximal bitrate (integer)

# Voice activity detection (boolean)

# Discontinuous Transmission (boolean)

[schroedinger] # Dirac video decoder using libschroedinger

# Rate control method (string)

# Constant quality factor (float)

# Noise Threshold (float)

# CBR bitrate (kbps) (integer)

# Maximum bitrate (kbps) (integer)

# Minimum bitrate (kbps) (integer)

# GOP structure (string)

# GOP length (integer)

# Chroma format (string)

# Picture coding mode (string)

# Motion Vector precision (string)

# Size of motion compensation blocks (string)

# Overlap of motion compensation blocks (string)

# Three component motion estimation (integer)

# Enable hierarchical Motion Estimation (integer)

# Number of levels of downsampling (integer)

# Enable Global Motion Estimation (integer)

# Enable Phase Correlation Estimation (integer)

# Intra picture DWT filter (string)

# Inter picture DWT filter (string)

# Number of DWT iterations (integer)

# Enable multiple quantizers (integer)

# Size of code blocks in each subband (string)

# Prefilter (string)

# Amount of prefiltering (float)

# Enable Scene Change Detection (integer)

# perceptual weighting method (string)

# perceptual distance (float)

# Disable arithmetic coding (integer)

# Horizontal slices per frame (integer)

# Vertical slices per frame (integer)

# Force Profile (string)

[kate] # Kate overlay decoder

# Formatted Subtitles (boolean)

[jpeg] # JPEG image decoder

# Quality level (integer)

[dvbsub] # DVB subtitles decoder

# Subpicture position (integer)

# Decoding X coordinate (integer)

# Decoding Y coordinate (integer)

# Encoding X coordinate (integer)

# Encoding Y coordinate (integer)

[ddummy] # Dummy decoder

# Save raw codec data (boolean)

[avcodec] # FFmpeg audio/video decoder

# Direct rendering (boolean)

# Error resilience (integer)

# Workaround bugs (integer)

# Hurry up (boolean)

# Skip frame (default=0) (integer)

# Skip idct (default=0) (integer)

# Visualize motion vectors (integer)

# Allow speed tricks (boolean)

# Skip the loop filter for H.264 decoding (integer)

# Debug mask (integer)

# Codec name (string)

# Hardware decoding (string)

# Threads (integer)

# Advanced options (string)

# Codec name (string)

# Quality level (string)

# Ratio of key frames (integer)

# Ratio of B frames (integer)

# Hurry up (boolean)

# Interlaced encoding (boolean)

# Interlaced motion estimation (boolean)

# Video bitrate tolerance (integer)

# Pre-motion estimation (boolean)

# Rate control buffer size (integer)

# Rate control buffer aggressiveness (float)

# I quantization factor (float)

# Noise reduction (integer)

# MPEG4 quantization matrix (boolean)

# Minimum video quantizer scale (integer)

# Maximum video quantizer scale (integer)

# Trellis quantization (boolean)

# Fixed quantizer scale (float)

# Strict standard compliance (integer)

# Luminance masking (float)

# Darkness masking (float)

# Motion masking (float)

# Border masking (float)

# Luminance elimination (integer)

# Chrominance elimination (integer)

# Specify AAC audio profile to use (string)

# Advanced options (string)

# Format name (string)

# Advanced options (string)

# Avformat mux (string)

# Advanced options (string)

# Advanced options (string)

# Advanced options (string)

[waveout] # WaveOut audio output

# Select Audio Device (string)

# Audio volume (float)

# Use float32 output (boolean)

# Audio output channels (integer)

[directsound] # DirectX audio output

# Output device (string)

# Use float32 output (boolean)

# Speaker configuration (string)
#directx-audio-speaker=Windows default

# Audio volume (float)

[amem] # Audio memory output

# Sample format (string)

# Sample rate (integer)

# Channels count (integer)

[afile] # File audio output

# Output file (string)

# Output format (string)

# Number of output channels (integer)

# Add WAVE header (boolean)

[stereo_widen] # Simple stereo widening effect

# Delay time (float)

# Feedback gain (float)

# Crossfeed (float)

# Dry mix (float)

[speex_resampler] # Speex resampler

# Resampling quality (integer)

[spatializer] # Audio Spatializer

# Room size (float)

# Room width (float)

# Wet (float)

# Dry (float)

# Damp (float)

[scaletempo] # Audio tempo scaler synched with rate

# Stride Length (integer)

# Overlap Length (float)

# Search Length (integer)

[samplerate] # Secret Rabbit Code (libsamplerate) resampler

# Sample rate converter type (integer)

[remap] # Audio channel remapper

# Left (integer)

# Center (integer)

# Right (integer)

# Rear left (integer)

# Rear center (integer)

# Rear right (integer)

# Side left (integer)

# Side right (integer)

# Low-frequency effects (integer)

# Normalize channels (boolean)

[param_eq] # Parametric Equalizer

# Low freq (Hz) (float)

# Low freq gain (dB) (float)

# High freq (Hz) (float)

# High freq gain (dB) (float)

# Freq 1 (Hz) (float)

# Freq 1 gain (dB) (float)

# Freq 1 Q (float)

# Freq 2 (Hz) (float)

# Freq 2 gain (dB) (float)

# Freq 2 Q (float)

# Freq 3 (Hz) (float)

# Freq 3 gain (dB) (float)

# Freq 3 Q (float)

[normvol] # Volume normalizer

# Number of audio buffers (integer)

# Maximal volume level (float)

[mono] # Stereo to mono downmixer

# Use downmix algorithm (boolean)

# Select channel to keep (integer)

[headphone_channel_mixer] # Headphone virtual spatialization effect

# Characteristic dimension (integer)

# Compensate delay (boolean)

# No decoding of Dolby Surround (boolean)

[gain] # Gain control filter

# Gain multiplier (float)

[equalizer] # Equalizer with 10 bands

# Equalizer preset (string)

# Bands gain (string)

# Two pass (boolean)

# Use VLC frequency bands (boolean)

# Global gain (float)

[dtstofloat32] # DTS Coherent Acoustics audio decoder

# DTS dynamic range compression (boolean)

[compressor] # Dynamic range compressor

# RMS/peak (float)

# Attack time (float)

# Release time (float)

# Threshold level (float)

# Ratio (float)

# Knee radius (float)

# Makeup gain (float)

[chorus_flanger] # Sound Delay

# Delay time (float)

# Sweep Depth (float)

# Sweep Rate (float)

# Feedback gain (float)

# Wet mix (float)

# Dry Mix (float)

[audiobargraph_a] # Audio part of the BarGraph function

# Defines if BarGraph information should be sent (integer)

# Sends the barGraph information every n audio packets (integer)

# Defines if silence alarm information should be sent (integer)

# Time window to use in ms (integer)

# Minimum Audio level to raise the alarm (float)

# Time between two alarm messages in ms (integer)

[a52tofloat32] # ATSC A/52 (AC-3) audio decoder

# A/52 dynamic range compression (boolean)

# Enable internal upmixing (boolean)

[udp] # UDP stream output

# Caching value (ms) (integer)

# Group packets (integer)

[access_output_shout] # IceCAST output

# Stream name (string)
#sout-shout-name=VLC media player - Live stream

# Stream description (string)
#sout-shout-description=Live stream from VLC media player

# Stream MP3 (boolean)

# Genre description (string)

# URL description (string)

# Bitrate (string)

# Samplerate (string)

# Number of channels (string)

# Ogg Vorbis Quality (string)

# Stream public (boolean)

[access_output_livehttp] # HTTP Live streaming output

# Segment length (integer)

# Number of segments (integer)

# Number of first segment (integer)

# Split segments anywhere (boolean)

# Delete segments (boolean)

# Use muxers rate control mechanism (boolean)

# Allow cache (boolean)

# Use randomized IV for encryption (boolean)

# Index file (string)

# Full URL to put in index file (string)

# AES key URI to place in playlist (string)

# AES key file (string)

# File where vlc reads key-uri and keyfile-location (string)

[access_output_http] # HTTP stream output

# Username (string)

# Password (string)

# Mime (string)

# Metacube (boolean)

[access_output_file] # File stream output

# Overwrite existing file (boolean)

# Append to file (boolean)

# Format time and date (boolean)

[vdr] # VDR recordings

# Chapter offset in ms (integer)

# Frame rate (float)

[udp] # UDP input

# Receive buffer (integer)

[timecode] # Time code subpicture elementary stream generator

# Frame rate (string)

[smb] # SMB input

# SMB user name (string)

# SMB password (string)

# SMB domain (string)

[shm] # Shared memory framebuffer

# Frame rate (float)

# Frame buffer depth (integer)

# Frame buffer width (integer)

# Frame buffer height (integer)

[sftp] # SFTP input

# Read size (integer)

# SFTP port (integer)

[screen] # Screen Input

# Frame rate (float)

# Subscreen top left corner (integer)

# Subscreen top left corner (integer)

# Subscreen width (integer)

# Subscreen height (integer)

# Follow the mouse (boolean)

# Mouse pointer image (string)

# Capture fragment size (integer)

[rtp] # Real-Time Protocol (RTP) input

# RTCP (local) port (integer)

# SRTP key (hexadecimal) (string)

# SRTP salt (hexadecimal) (string)

# Maximum RTP sources (integer)

# RTP source timeout (sec) (integer)

# Maximum RTP sequence number dropout (integer)

# Maximum RTP sequence number misordering (integer)

# RTP payload format assumed for dynamic payloads (string)

[live555] # RTP/RTSP/SDP demuxer (using Live555)

# Use RTP over RTSP (TCP) (boolean)

# Client port (integer)

# Force multicast RTP via RTSP (boolean)

# Tunnel RTSP and RTP over HTTP (boolean)

# HTTP tunnel port (integer)

# Kasenna RTSP dialect (boolean)

# WMServer RTSP dialect (boolean)

# RTSP user name (string)

# RTSP password (string)

# RTSP frame buffer size (integer)

[libbluray] # Blu-ray Disc support (libbluray)

# Blu-ray menus (boolean)

# Region code (string)

[imem] # Memory input

# ID (integer)

# Group (integer)

# Category (integer)

# Codec (string)

# Language (string)

# Sample rate (integer)

# Channels count (integer)

# Width (integer)

# Height (integer)

# Display aspect ratio (string)

# Frame rate (string)

# Size (integer)

[http] # HTTP input

# HTTP proxy (string)

# HTTP proxy password (string)

# HTTP referer value (string)

# User Agent (string)

# Auto re-connect (boolean)

# Continuous stream (boolean)

# Forward Cookies (boolean)

[ftp] # FTP input

# FTP user name (string)

# FTP password (string)

# FTP account (string)

[filesystem] # File input

# Subdirectory behavior (string)

# Ignored extensions (string)

# Directory sort order (string)

[dvdread] # DVDRead Input (no menu support)

# DVD angle (integer)

[dvdnav] # DVDnav Input

# DVD angle (integer)

# Start directly in menu (boolean)

[dtv] # Digital Television and Radio

# DVB adapter (integer)

# Network name (string)

# Network name to create (string)

# Frequency (Hz) (integer)

# Spectrum inversion (integer)

# Bandwidth (MHz) (integer)

# Transmission mode (integer)

# Guard interval (string)

# High-priority code rate (string)

# Low-priority code rate (string)

# Hierarchy mode (integer)

# DVB-T2 Physical Layer Pipe (integer)

# Layer A modulation (string)

# Layer A code rate (string)

# Layer A segments count (integer)

# Layer A time interleaving (integer)

# Layer B modulation (string)

# Layer B code rate (string)

# Layer B segments count (integer)

# Layer B time interleaving (integer)

# Layer C modulation (string)

# Layer C code rate (string)

# Layer C segments count (integer)

# Layer C time interleaving (integer)

# Modulation / Constellation (string)

# Symbol rate (bauds) (integer)

# FEC code rate (string)

# Stream identifier (integer)

# Pilot (integer)

# Roll-off factor (integer)

# Transport stream ID (integer)

# Polarization (Voltage) (string)

# ? (integer)

# Local oscillator low frequency (kHz) (integer)

# Local oscillator high frequency (kHz) (integer)

# Universal LNB switch frequency (kHz) (integer)

# Network identifier (integer)

# Satellite azimuth (integer)

# Satellite elevation (integer)

# Satellite longitude (integer)

# Satellite range code (string)

# Major channel (integer)

# ATSC minor channel (integer)

# Physical channel (integer)

[dshow] # DirectShow input

# Video device name (string)

# Audio device name (string)

# Video size (string)

# Picture aspect-ratio n:m (string)

# Video input chroma format (string)

# Video input frame rate (float)

# Device properties (boolean)

# Tuner properties (boolean)

# Tuner TV Channel (integer)

# Tuner Frequency (integer)

# Tuner country code (integer)

# Video standard (integer)

# Tuner input type (integer)

# Video input pin (integer)

# Video output pin (integer)

# Audio input pin (integer)

# Audio output pin (integer)

# AM Tuner mode (integer)

# Number of audio channels (integer)

# Audio sample rate (integer)

# Audio bits per sample (integer)

[cdda] # Audio CD input

# CDDB Server (string)

# CDDB port (integer)

[access_mms] # Microsoft Media Server (MMS) input

# TCP/UDP timeout (ms) (integer)

# Force selection of all streams (boolean)

# Maximum bitrate (integer)

# HTTP proxy (string)

[core] # core program

# Enable audio (boolean)

# Audio gain (float)

# Audio output volume step (float)

# Remember the audio volume (boolean)

# Use S/PDIF when available (boolean)

# Force detection of Dolby Surround (integer)

# Stereo audio output mode (integer)

# Audio desynchronization compensation (integer)

# Audio resampler (string)

# Replay gain mode (string)

# Replay preamp (float)

# Default replay gain (float)

# Peak protection (boolean)

# Enable time stretching audio (boolean)

# Audio output module (string)

# Audio filters (string)

# Audio visualizations (string)

# Enable video (boolean)

# Grayscale video output (boolean)

# Fullscreen video output (boolean)

# Embedded video (boolean)

# (boolean)

# Drop late frames (boolean)

# Skip frames (boolean)

# Quiet synchro (boolean)

# Key press events (boolean)

# Mouse events (boolean)

# Overlay video output (boolean)

# Always on top (boolean)

# Enable wallpaper mode (boolean)

# Disable screensaver (boolean)

# Show media title on video (boolean)

# Show video title for x milliseconds (integer)

# Position of video title (integer)

# Hide cursor and fullscreen controller after x milliseconds (integer)

# Video snapshot directory (or filename) (string)

# Video snapshot file prefix (string)

# Video snapshot format (string)

# Display video snapshot preview (boolean)

# Use sequential numbers instead of timestamps (boolean)

# Video snapshot width (integer)

# Video snapshot height (integer)

# Video width (integer)

# Video height (integer)

# Video X coordinate (integer)

# Video Y coordinate (integer)

# Video cropping (string)

# Custom crop ratios list (string)

# Source aspect ratio (string)

# Video Auto Scaling (boolean)

# Video scaling factor (float)

# Monitor pixel aspect ratio (string)

# Custom aspect ratios list (string)

# Fix HDTV height (boolean)

# Window decorations (boolean)

# Video title (string)

# Video alignment (integer)

# Zoom video (float)

# Deinterlace (integer)

# Deinterlace mode (string)

# Video output module (string)

# Video filter module (string)

# Video splitter module (string)

# Enable sub-pictures (boolean)

# On Screen Display (boolean)

# Text rendering module (string)

# Use subtitle file (string)

# Autodetect subtitle files (boolean)

# Subtitle autodetection fuzziness (integer)

# Subtitle autodetection paths (string)
#sub-autodetect-path=.\subtitles, .\subs

# Force subtitle position (integer)

# Subpictures source module (string)

# Subpictures filter module (string)

# Program (integer)

# Programs (string)

# Audio track (integer)

# Subtitle track (integer)

# Audio language (string)

# Subtitle language (string)

# Menu language (string)

# Audio track ID (integer)

# Subtitle track ID (integer)

# Preferred video resolution (integer)

# Input repetitions (integer)

# Start time (float)

# Stop time (float)

# Run time (float)

# Fast seek (boolean)

# Playback speed (float)

# Input list (string)

# Input slave (experimental) (string)

# Bookmarks list for a stream (string)

# DVD device (string)

# VCD device (string)

# Audio CD device (string)

# MTU of the network interface (integer)

# TCP connection timeout (integer)

# HTTP server address (string)

# HTTP server port (integer)

# HTTPS server port (integer)

# RTSP server address (string)

# RTSP server port (integer)

# HTTP/TLS server certificate (string)

# HTTP/TLS server private key (string)

# HTTP/TLS Certificate Authority (string)

# HTTP/TLS Certificate Revocation List (string)

# SOCKS server (string)

# SOCKS user name (string)

# SOCKS password (string)

# Title metadata (string)

# Author metadata (string)

# Artist metadata (string)

# Genre metadata (string)

# Copyright metadata (string)

# Description metadata (string)

# Date metadata (string)

# URL metadata (string)

# File caching (ms) (integer)

# Live capture caching (ms) (integer)

# Disc caching (ms) (integer)

# Network caching (ms) (integer)

# Clock reference average counter (integer)

# Clock synchronisation (integer)

# Clock jitter (integer)

# Network synchronisation (boolean)

# Record directory or filename (string)

# Prefer native stream recording (boolean)

# Timeshift directory (string)

# Timeshift granularity (integer)

# Change title according to current media (string)

# Preferred decoders list (string)

# Preferred encoders list (string)

# Access module (string)

# Demux module (string)

# Stream filter module (string)

# Default stream output chain (string)

# Display while streaming (boolean)

# Keep stream output open (boolean)

# Enable streaming of all ES (boolean)

# Enable audio stream output (boolean)

# Enable video stream output (boolean)

# Enable SPU stream output (boolean)

# Stream output muxer caching (ms) (integer)

# VLM configuration file (string)

# SAP announcement interval (integer)

# Mux module (string)

# Access output module (string)

# Hop limit (TTL) (integer)

# Multicast output interface (string)

# DiffServ Code Point (integer)

# Preferred packetizer list (string)

# VoD server module (string)

# Use a plugins cache (boolean)

# Increase the priority of the process (boolean)

# Clock source (string)

# Play files randomly forever (boolean)

# Repeat all (boolean)

# Repeat current item (boolean)

# Play and exit (boolean)

# Play and stop (boolean)

# Play and pause (boolean)

# Auto start (boolean)

# Pause on audio communication (boolean)

# Allow only one running instance (boolean)

# Use only one instance when started from file manager (boolean)

# Enqueue items into playlist in one instance mode (boolean)

# Use media library (boolean)

# Display playlist tree (boolean)

# Default stream (string)

# Automatically preparse files (boolean)

# Allow metadata network access (boolean)

# Services discovery modules (string)

# Log to file (boolean)

# Show advanced options (boolean)

# Interface interaction (boolean)

# Locally collect statistics (boolean)

# Interface module (string)

# Extra interface modules (string)

# Control interfaces (string)

# MouseWheel up-down axis Control (integer)

# Fullscreen (string)

# Fullscreen (string)

# Exit fullscreen (string)

# Exit fullscreen (string)

# Play/Pause (string)

# Play/Pause (string)

# Pause only (string)

# Pause only (string)
#key-pause=Browser Stop

# Play only (string)

# Play only (string)
#key-play=Browser Refresh

# Faster (string)

# Faster (string)

# Slower (string)

# Slower (string)

# Normal rate (string)

# Normal rate (string)

# Faster (fine) (string)

# Faster (fine) (string)

# Slower (fine) (string)

# Slower (fine) (string)

# Next (string)

# Next (string)

# Previous (string)

# Previous (string)

# Stop (string)

# Stop (string)

# Position (string)

# Position (string)

# Very short backwards jump (string)

# Very short backwards jump (string)

# Very short forward jump (string)

# Very short forward jump (string)

# Short backwards jump (string)

# Short backwards jump (string)

# Short forward jump (string)

# Short forward jump (string)

# Medium backwards jump (string)

# Medium backwards jump (string)

# Medium forward jump (string)

# Medium forward jump (string)

# Long backwards jump (string)

# Long backwards jump (string)

# Long forward jump (string)

# Long forward jump (string)

# Next frame (string)

# Next frame (string)

# Activate (string)

# Activate (string)

# Navigate up (string)

# Navigate up (string)

# Navigate down (string)

# Navigate down (string)

# Navigate left (string)

# Navigate left (string)

# Navigate right (string)

# Navigate right (string)

# Go to the DVD menu (string)

# Go to the DVD menu (string)

# Select previous DVD title (string)

# Select previous DVD title (string)

# Select next DVD title (string)

# Select next DVD title (string)

# Select prev DVD chapter (string)

# Select prev DVD chapter (string)

# Select next DVD chapter (string)

# Select next DVD chapter (string)

# Quit (string)

# Quit (string)

# Volume up (string)

# Volume up (string)

# Volume down (string)

# Volume down (string)

# Mute (string)

# Mute (string)

# Subtitle delay up (string)

# Subtitle delay up (string)

# Subtitle delay down (string)

# Subtitle delay down (string)

# Subtitle sync / bookmark audio timestamp (string)

# Subtitle sync / bookmark audio timestamp (string)

# Subtitle sync / bookmark subtitle timestamp (string)

# Subtitle sync / bookmark subtitle timestamp (string)

# Subtitle sync / synchronize audio & subtitle timestamps (string)

# Subtitle sync / synchronize audio & subtitle timestamps (string)

# Subtitle sync / reset audio & subtitle synchronization (string)

# Subtitle sync / reset audio & subtitle synchronization (string)

# Subtitle position up (string)

# Subtitle position up (string)

# Subtitle position down (string)

# Subtitle position down (string)

# Audio delay up (string)

# Audio delay up (string)

# Audio delay down (string)

# Audio delay down (string)

# Cycle audio track (string)

# Cycle audio track (string)

# Cycle through audio devices (string)

# Cycle through audio devices (string)

# Cycle subtitle track (string)

# Cycle subtitle track (string)

# Toggle subtitles (string)

# Toggle subtitles (string)

# Cycle next program Service ID (string)

# Cycle next program Service ID (string)

# Cycle previous program Service ID (string)

# Cycle previous program Service ID (string)

# Cycle source aspect ratio (string)

# Cycle source aspect ratio (string)

# Cycle video crop (string)

# Cycle video crop (string)

# Toggle autoscaling (string)

# Toggle autoscaling (string)

# Increase scale factor (string)

# Increase scale factor (string)

# Decrease scale factor (string)

# Decrease scale factor (string)

# Toggle deinterlacing (string)

# Toggle deinterlacing (string)

# Cycle deinterlace modes (string)

# Cycle deinterlace modes (string)

# Show controller in fullscreen (string)

# Show controller in fullscreen (string)

# Boss key (string)

# Boss key (string)

# Context menu (string)

# Context menu (string)

# Take video snapshot (string)

# Take video snapshot (string)

# Record (string)

# Record (string)

# Zoom (string)

# Zoom (string)

# Un-Zoom (string)

# Un-Zoom (string)

# Toggle wallpaper mode in video output (string)

# Toggle wallpaper mode in video output (string)

# Crop one pixel from the top of the video (string)

# Crop one pixel from the top of the video (string)

# Uncrop one pixel from the top of the video (string)

# Uncrop one pixel from the top of the video (string)

# Crop one pixel from the left of the video (string)

# Crop one pixel from the left of the video (string)

# Uncrop one pixel from the left of the video (string)

# Uncrop one pixel from the left of the video (string)

# Crop one pixel from the bottom of the video (string)

# Crop one pixel from the bottom of the video (string)

# Uncrop one pixel from the bottom of the video (string)

# Uncrop one pixel from the bottom of the video (string)

# Crop one pixel from the right of the video (string)

# Crop one pixel from the right of the video (string)

# Uncrop one pixel from the right of the video (string)

# Uncrop one pixel from the right of the video (string)

# Random (string)

# Random (string)

# Normal/Loop/Repeat (string)

# Normal/Loop/Repeat (string)

# 1:4 Quarter (string)

# 1:4 Quarter (string)

# 1:2 Half (string)

# 1:2 Half (string)

# 1:1 Original (string)

# 1:1 Original (string)

# 2:1 Double (string)

# 2:1 Double (string)

# Very short jump length (integer)

# Short jump length (integer)

# Medium jump length (integer)

# Long jump length (integer)

# Set playlist bookmark 1 (string)

# Set playlist bookmark 1 (string)

# Set playlist bookmark 2 (string)

# Set playlist bookmark 2 (string)

# Set playlist bookmark 3 (string)

# Set playlist bookmark 3 (string)

# Set playlist bookmark 4 (string)

# Set playlist bookmark 4 (string)

# Set playlist bookmark 5 (string)

# Set playlist bookmark 5 (string)

# Set playlist bookmark 6 (string)

# Set playlist bookmark 6 (string)

# Set playlist bookmark 7 (string)

# Set playlist bookmark 7 (string)

# Set playlist bookmark 8 (string)

# Set playlist bookmark 8 (string)

# Set playlist bookmark 9 (string)

# Set playlist bookmark 9 (string)

# Set playlist bookmark 10 (string)

# Set playlist bookmark 10 (string)

# Play playlist bookmark 1 (string)

# Play playlist bookmark 1 (string)

# Play playlist bookmark 2 (string)

# Play playlist bookmark 2 (string)

# Play playlist bookmark 3 (string)

# Play playlist bookmark 3 (string)

# Play playlist bookmark 4 (string)

# Play playlist bookmark 4 (string)

# Play playlist bookmark 5 (string)

# Play playlist bookmark 5 (string)

# Play playlist bookmark 6 (string)

# Play playlist bookmark 6 (string)

# Play playlist bookmark 7 (string)

# Play playlist bookmark 7 (string)

# Play playlist bookmark 8 (string)

# Play playlist bookmark 8 (string)

# Play playlist bookmark 9 (string)

# Play playlist bookmark 9 (string)

# Play playlist bookmark 10 (string)

# Play playlist bookmark 10 (string)

# Clear the playlist (string)

# Clear the playlist (string)

# Playlist bookmark 1 (string)

# Playlist bookmark 2 (string)

# Playlist bookmark 3 (string)

# Playlist bookmark 4 (string)

# Playlist bookmark 5 (string)

# Playlist bookmark 6 (string)

# Playlist bookmark 7 (string)

# Playlist bookmark 8 (string)

# Playlist bookmark 9 (string)

# Playlist bookmark 10 (string)

Options qt-updates-notif=0 and qt-privacy-ask=0 disable the initial notifications.

Make sure that vlcrc.file, install.cmd and vlc-2.2.2-win64.exe are all in the same directory you've configured as your application's source directory.  This process might require a little tweaking to suit your environment but hopefully this puts you on the path to a successful VLC deployment.  Test thoroughly.

I've gleaned quite a bit of quality info from this site and this is my attempt to pay it forward.  Good luck and happy deploying!


  • Thanks for this! I spent a full day poking and prodding, your write-up worked on the first try. The only thing that I'd add is to zip everything up, choose custom install, with install.cmd as the command.

    Thanks again! - Fixxem 7 years ago
    • You're very welcome! Originally I had considered zipping it but the deployment was so light that it was unnecessary in our environment. YMMV! - hidefind 7 years ago
  • Hi hidefind,

    When it comes to running EXE's from batch files, I typically prefix them with "start /wait":
    start /wait "" "filename.exe" <params>
    FYI: The first set of double quotes are required if your command itself includes quotes.

    Have you ever used the timeout.exe command instead of ping for fixed delays? If you combine "start /wait" with a shorter delay, the uninstall might be quicker....
    start /wait "" "%PROGRAMFILES%\VideoLAN\VLC\uninstall.exe" /S
    :: always wait a few seconds after the uninstall finishes to make sure Windows really deletes everything it should
    timeout.exe /t 5 > NUL

    Do you know whether or not it's possible to have a vlcrc file that contains ONLY those required options for disabling updates/etc and not all the other settings it adds in there by default? Typically I try to shave as much as possible out of custom files or registry settings or default user profile additions. Unfortunately some software out there doesn't behave very well if only bits and pieces of its settings are in place. :(

    Great article!
    Scott - scottcopus 7 years ago
    • Great tip Scott! I haven't tested without the other options within the vlcrc but considering you can install the application independent of the .vlcrc file I'd expect it to work with minimal options specified. If you happen to test this I'd be very interested in your findings. Cheers! - hidefind 7 years ago
      • I happened to have the previous VLC 2.2.1 installed on a VM. I found that only the following 'vlcrc' contents are required to suppress the privacy popup window and update checks:

        [qt4] # Qt interface

        # Activate the updates availability notification (boolean)

        # Ask for network policy at start (boolean)

        FYI... I also discovered that VLC doesn't re-add all the default settings back to the file again--unless you change other settings. Once you change other settings via the GUI, ALL the other default settings get added back to the settings file. So it turns out you only need a 1k default-user-profile file instead of an 83kb one.

        Scott - scottcopus 7 years ago
  • I am using Windows 7 and followed aforementioned steps for vlc-2.2.4-win64.exe, but still unable to get rid of 'Regularly check for VLC updates' auto-checked during startup. Am I missing something? Need your help. - Sam.princewindsor 7 years ago
    • Did you pull the vlcrc file from a system with VLC configured according to your targets and include it in your source directory? - hidefind 7 years ago
    • I verified that the same "vlcrc" file with the above few lines still works on VLC 2.2.4 x64. Make sure you are copying a file with those contents into %APPDATA%\vlc. - scottcopus 7 years ago
  • Is this technique still work for VLC 2.2.6 x64? I have followed exactly the instruction as above but I still get the pop up box for updates? - bugeyes 7 years ago
    • I managed to get around this by copying the shortcut and then adding the following into the target: "C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe" "--no-qt-privacy-ask" "--no-qt-updates-notif"

      Then in your script:
      DEL /Q "%ProgramData%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\VideoLAN\VLC media player.lnk"

      xcopy %~dp0"VLC media player.lnk" "%ProgramData%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\VideoLAN" /Q /i /Y - Andyk93 7 years ago
  • hi, I have just tried this however if you go into preferences, the activate updates notifier box is still ticked. So updates are still enabled - Andyk93 7 years ago
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