
IBM DB2 Express-C

Version: 9

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Views: 5.4k  |  Created: 01/21/2009

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Deployment Tips (4)

Most Common Setup Type
Not Determined
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Rated 0 / 5 (Not Rated) based on 0 ratings
Most Commonly Reported Deployment Method
Not Determined
The Installation of IBM DB2 Express-C V9 is a little bit tricky...

First of all you can not install it under SYSTEM account!
If your deployment tool does not support the installation with a different user account you have to use a toll like CPAU.EXE to do this!

Second you can not use the documented way of IBM to install DB2 silently.

If you try to call setup.exe /u "RSPFILENAME.RSP" with a deployment tool (I tried this with different tools), the installation process will be canceled immediately. DB2 even does not write a log or trace file!

Only if you use the MSI file directly you can install DB2!

The name of the MSI file is DB2 Express.msi and it is located under DB2\WINDOWS

I start the installation with following command:
msiexec /i "...\DB2\WINDOWS\DB2 Express.msi" RSP_FILE_PATH="...\Express-C_V9_FP2.rsp" SILENT_MODE="ON" TRANSFORMS="...\DB2\WINDOWS\EXP\1031.mst" /l* c:\temp\EXP-C_V9.log /qn /norestart

The reason why I use the transform 1031.mst is that DB2 will adjust the program language, depending on the OS language, correctly. But the links in Start menu are always English!

If you use 1031.mst, the links are German!
If you need this you will find your language mst under DB2\WINDOWS\EXP

Since Version 9.5 the MSI file is named "DB2 Server.msi"

If you try to install this as described before, you will find in "Licence Center" an unlicensed product "DB2 Enterprise Server Edition".

If you do not want this you can transform the MSI property PROP_RSP_PROD from ENTERPRISE_SERVER_EDITION to UDB_EXPRESS_EDITION
Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows
Command Line
IBM DB2 Express C 9.7 FP4

Express C is a little different than just Express. The biggest difference appears to be that it doesn't create local groups.

I didn't end up having much luck working directly with the MSI. Install completed without error but the app didn't work right after so I gave up trying to mess around on that. I was eventually able to figure out what the setup.exe and the rsp file wanted to make it work. I went through the wizard and made the rsp file in a directory on the c: drive. Then I scripted the install to copy the source files to the same directory pre-install and then call the install from that directory with the rsp file.

English Install
C:\APPS\IBM_DB2_Express_C_97FP4\setup.exe /u C:\APPS\IBM_DB2_Express_C_97FP4\CRA_SILENT.rsp /l "c:\LOGS\IBM_DB2_Express_C_97FP4\IBM_DB2_Express_C_97FP4_Install.LOG"

French Install
C:\APPS\IBM_DB2_Express_C_97FP4\setup.exe /u C:\APPS\IBM_DB2_Express_C_97FP4\CRA_SILENT.rsp /i FR /l "c:\LOGS\IBM_DB2_Express_C_97FP4\IBM_DB2_Express_C_97FP4_Install.LOG"

I also had problems with using variables in the command line which is why its explicit. Not what I would notrmally do, but whatever to get it to work. I'm just happy to get it off my plate...

On Windows 7, the UAC prompts when using "Command Window – Administrator" and "Default DB2 and Database Client Interface Selection wizard". I tried Run As Admin and XP Compatibility without luck.
Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows
Command Line
IBM DB2 Express C 9.7 FP4

Express C is a little different than just Express. The biggest difference appears to be that it doesn't create local groups.

I didn't end up having much luck working directly with the MSI. Install completed without error but the app didn't work right after so I gave up trying to mess around on that. I was eventually able to figure out what the setup.exe and the rsp file wanted to make it work. I went through the wizard and made the rsp file in a directory on the c: drive. Then I scripted the install to copy the source files to the same directory pre-install and then call the install from that directory with the rsp file.

English Install
C:\APPS\IBM_DB2_Express_C_97FP4\setup.exe /u C:\APPS\IBM_DB2_Express_C_97FP4\CRA_SILENT.rsp /l "c:\LOGS\IBM_DB2_Express_C_97FP4\IBM_DB2_Express_C_97FP4_Install.LOG"

French Install
C:\APPS\IBM_DB2_Express_C_97FP4\setup.exe /u C:\APPS\IBM_DB2_Express_C_97FP4\CRA_SILENT.rsp /i FR /l "c:\LOGS\IBM_DB2_Express_C_97FP4\IBM_DB2_Express_C_97FP4_Install.LOG"

I also had problems with using variables in the command line which is why its explicit. Not what I would notrmally do, but whatever to get it to work. I'm just happy to get it off my plate...

On Windows 7, the UAC prompts when using "Command Window – Administrator" and "Default DB2 and Database Client Interface Selection wizard". I tried Run As Admin and XP Compatibility without luck.
Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows
I was able to manage the Installation via Empirum (a Tool which installs as System User).

1. Create an .rst file (normally start the installer and select the option only to record the settings). The .rst file can changed manually after creation with a normal text editor.

2. Install database with this .rst file (like "C:\EmpirumAgent\Packages\IBM\DB2 Express\9.7.5\EXPC\setup.exe" /u "C:\EmpirumAgent\Packages\IBM\DB2 Express\9.7.5\PROD_EXPC.rsp")

3. Create a local group with your desired name and add the users who should be able to work with the database

4. Tell DB2 to use this group for sysadm. (e.g. "c:\Program Files\IBM\SQLLIB\bin\db2cmd" -c db2 update dbm cfg using SYSADM_GROUP <your groupname>)

5. Tell DB2 to lookup for the group locally. (e.g. "c:\Program Files\IBM\SQLLIB\bin\db2set" DB2_GRP_LOOKUP=local )

6. restart the db2 (e.g. db2stop force and start)

7. reboot the pc

Now you can add even domain accounts to the local group and those can create or drop databases. Only thing which isnt working will be restart the whole database. Because this schouldnt be needed very often, we can live that the schould simply reboot his computer and everything is fine.
Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows

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