What are the proper system image settings for deploying a captured image with multiple partitions using K2100 v3.4?
I'm using both the K1100 and K2100 Management and Deployment Appliances. The K2100 is currently on v3.4 which from what I have read addresses the issue with deploying images containing multiple partitions. I recently captured an image and selected all three partitions, now I'm trying to deploy the captured image to a system. The system image page is configured to "prompt on errors" for preinstallation tasks, "force continue on errors" doesn't matter either way (tried with it enabled and disabled) and I have NOT tried deploying with the option "Remove local files not in image" selected. I read that that should be selected. The deployment fails after the deployment of the image begins with an error about the D:\ drive and the recylce bin. What am I doing wrong? The number of partititions in the image shouldn't matter with v3.4,right? Is the solution to tick the "Remove local files not in image" option?