
VBScript - Replace several lines in aFile

Hey guys, i gotta edit a file and replace a single line with a set of lines.
The following VB script works fine for replacing a single line.

On Error Resume Next
Set oShell = CreateObject( "WScript.Shell" )
Set ObjFSO= CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

GetThisPackageDOC = "C:\security.config"
Set objFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(GetThisPackageDOC, 1)
strText = objFile.ReadAll
strNewText = Replace(strText,Str1,Str2)
Set objFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(GetThisPackageDOC, 2)
objFile.WriteLine strNewText

But i have to replace the line, "OldLine" with the following:

<CodeGroup class="UnionCodeGroup"
Description="Grants permissions to allow zzz clients to execute inside a web browser.">
<IMembershipCondition class="UrlMembershipCondition"

And i need this info to be updated in the similar format, with the exact line breaks, quotes, etc.,
Can i achieve this thru VB ?
If yes, can someone help me in this....

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Answers (17)

Posted by: Inabus 15 years ago
Second Degree Green Belt
Not ideal, works and keeps it split into lines for you:

Const UNICODE = True

arrLines = Array ( _
"<CodeGroup class=""UnionCodeGroup""", _
"version=""1""", _
"PermissionSetName=""FullTrust""", _
"Name=""zzz""", _
"Description=""Grants permissions to allow zzz clients to execute inside a web browser."">", _
"<IMembershipCondition class=""UrlMembershipCondition""", _
"version=""1""", _
"Url=""http://AU88/*""/>", _
"</CodeGroup>", _
"</CodeGroup>" _

Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

strOldLine = "OldLine"

Set objFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile("C:\Security.config",1)
strText = objFile.ReadAll
Set objFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile("C:\Security.config2",2)
i = 0
For Each strLine In arrLines
If i = 0 Then
strReplaced = strReplaced & strLine
ElseIf i = 9 Then
strReplaced = strReplaced & strLine
strReplaced = strReplaced & strLine & vbCrLf
End If
i = i + 1

strNewText = Replace(strText, strOldLine, strReplaced)
objFile.WriteLine strNewText
Set objFile = Nothing
Posted by: anonymous_9363 15 years ago
Red Belt
Now can you please help me with a more clearer explanation on hw to do this...Yes, I can.

Get an XML class file, include it in your script then set your script to write the appropriate elements/nodes/attributes/whatever. XML files are becoming more prevalent, especially for configuring applications, so learning how to manipulate them in script now will serve you in good stead in the future. Do it properly, rather than building some horredous lash-up.

It appears someone's done the work for you. There's a free XML component available from ChilKat. Some code can be seen here http://www.example-code.com/vbscript/xml_format.asp. The MSI containing it is here http://www.chilkatsoft.com/download/XmlActiveX.msi?bcsi_scan_DEA2E070FBFB2D7A=1
Posted by: anonymous_9363 15 years ago
Red Belt
This looks like an XML file. You will really have your work cut out to do what you want in pure VBS.

There's a good XML class file knocking around which will do what you want in a much cleaner way, using the MS XML object. In addition, it will properly indent the relevant lines, making the resulting file easier to read. It handles adding elements, nodes, node attributes and so on. Google for 'VBScript +XML +class'
Posted by: rayz_0020 15 years ago
Senior Purple Belt
Hey Ian, Thanks for the post.
But 'm sorry tat i cudn't make out much frm tat.[:(]

Let me explain my reqmt more clearly.
I have an application wherein i will have to update an already existing file(FileName.config) on the machine with some additional info. If this cud have been a file common to all machines, i wud have included an updated file in my application and would overwrite the existing one in every machine. But here as the file content differs in each machine, i ll have to update them at run time when the app gets installed. And hence i thought of including a VbScript to achieve it.

Now can you please help me with a more clearer explanation on hw to do this...
Posted by: Inabus 15 years ago
Second Degree Green Belt
Its cos im so nice VBScab, and nothing to do with the fact I was bored at the time ;)

Posted by: anonymous_9363 15 years ago
Red Belt
LOL...that comment wasn't directed at you, Paul. I was pointing the OP at the Chilkat component so, rather than him having to go and find the class, add it to the script, work out how to use it, etc, etc, he can d/l and install the component and use the sample scripts as guides.
Posted by: Inabus 15 years ago
Second Degree Green Belt
As hehe, my bad!

Posted by: anonymous_9363 15 years ago
Red Belt
Hey! Look what I found on my USB stick:Dim objXML
Dim strPath

Set objXML = New clsXML

strPath = "New.xml"

If IsObject(objXML) Then
With objXML
'.createFile strPath, "Dummy"
'Or If using an existing XML file:
.File = "New.xml"

' .createRootNodeWAttr "Profile", "version", "0.0.1"
' .createRootChild "IdInformation"
' .createRootChild "Property"
' .createRootNodeWAttr "Author", Array("type", "enable"), Array(1, 1)

' .createRootChild "UserIdentifier"
' .createChildNode "UserIdentifier","FirstName"
' .createChildNode "UserIdentifier","LastName"
' .createChildNode "UserIdentifier","FullName"
' .createChildNode "UserIdentifier","LoginID"
' .createChildNode "UserIdentifier","EmailAddress"
' .createChildNode "UserIdentifier","PhoneNumber"
' .createChildNode "UserIdentifier","Department"
' .createChildNode "UserIdentifier","NetworkEnvironment"
' .createChildNode "UserIdentifier","Group"
' .createChildNode "UserIdentifier","Notes"
' .createRootChild "GroupIdentifier"
' .createChildNode "GroupIdentifier","Name"
' .createChildNode "GroupIdentifier","Notes"

.addNodeAttribute "GroupIdentifier/Notes", "SomeKey", "SomeValue"

.updateField "UserIdentifier//LoginID", "ian.northwood"
.updateField "UserIdentifier//LoginID", "ian.northwood"

' .deleteNode("Dummy")
End With
End If

Set objXML = Nothing

'// Some samples
'objXML.createRootChild "Images"

'Here only one attribute is added to the Images/Image Node
'objXML.createChildNodeWAttr "Images", "Image", "id", "1"
'objXML.updateField "Images//Image[@id=1]", "super.gif"
'objXML.createRootNodeWAttr "Jobs", Array("Size", "Length", "Width"), Array(24, 31, 30)
'objXML.createRootNodeWAttr "Jobs", Array("Size", "Length", "Width"), Array(24, 30, 29)
'objXML.createRootNodeWAttr "Jobs", Array("Size", "Length", "Width"), Array(24, 31, 85)

'Notice that all three job nodes have size 24, all of those nodes will be updated
'objXML.updateField "Jobs[@Size=24]", "24's"

'Notice that only two nodes have the specified XPath, hence only two new child nodes will be added
'objXML.createChildNodeWAttr "Jobs[@Size=24 and @Length=31]", "Specs", Array("Wood", "Metal", "Color"), Array("Cedar", "Aluminum", "Green")

'It is always important to iterate through all of the nodes returned by this XPath query.
'For Each str In objXML.getField("Jobs[@Size=24]")
' WScript.Echo str & vbCRLF
'// End Of samples

'Response.Redirect "New.xml"

Class clsXML
'// strFile must be full path to document i.e. C:\XML\XMLFile.XML
'// objDoc is the XML Object
Private strFile
Private objDoc

'// Initialization/Termination

'// Initialize Class Members
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
strFile = ""
End Sub

'// Terminate and unload all created objects
Private Sub Class_Terminate()
Set objDoc = Nothing
End Sub

'// *********************************************************************
'// Properties
'// *********************************************************************

'// Set XML File and objDoc
Public Property Let File(strXMLFile)
Set objDoc = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
objDoc.async = False
strFile = strXMLFile
End Property

'// Get XML File
Public Property Get File()
File = strFile
End Property

'// *********************************************************************
'// Functions
'// *********************************************************************

'// Create blank XML File, set current obj file to newly created file
Public Function createFile(strPath, strRoot)
Dim objFSO
Dim objTextFile

Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objTextFile = objFSO.CreateTextFile(strPath, True)

With objTextFile
.WriteLine("<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""UTF-8""?>")

If Len(strRoot) > 0 Then
.WriteLine("<" & strRoot & "/>")
End If
End With

Me.File = strPath

Set objTextFile = Nothing
Set objFSO = Nothing
End Function

'// Get XML Field(s) based on XPath input from root node
Public Function getField(strXPath)
Dim objNodeList
Dim arrResponse()
Dim i

Set objNodeList = objDoc.documentElement.selectNodes(strXPath)
ReDim arrResponse(objNodeList.length)

For i = 0 To objNodeList.length - 1
arrResponse(i) = objNodeList.item(i).Text

getField = arrResponse
End Function

'// Update existing node(s) based on XPath specs
Public Function updateField(strXPath, strData)
Dim objField
For Each objField In objDoc.documentElement.selectNodes(strXPath)
objField.Text = strData

objDoc.Save strFile

updateField = True
Set objField = Nothing
End Function

'// Create node directly under root
Public Function createRootChild(strNode)
Dim objChild

Set objChild = objDoc.createNode(1, strNode, "")
objDoc.Save strFile

Set objChild = Nothing
End Function

'// Create a child node under root node with attributes
Public Function createRootNodeWAttr(strNode, attr, val)
Dim objChild
Dim objAttr
Dim i

Set objChild = objDoc.createNode(1, strNode, "")
If IsArray(attr) And IsArray(val) Then
If UBound(attr)-LBound(attr) <> UBound(val)-LBound(val) Then
Exit Function
For i = LBound(attr) To UBound(attr)
Set objAttr = objDoc.createAttribute(attr(i))
objChild.setAttribute attr(i), val(i)
End If
Set objAttr = objDoc.createAttribute(attr)
objChild.setAttribute attr, val
End If

objDoc.Save strFile

Set objChild = Nothing
End Function

Public Function addNodeAttribute(strNode, attr, val)
Dim objNode
Dim objAttr
Dim i

Set objNode = objDoc.documentElement.selectSingleNode(strNode)

If IsArray(attr) And IsArray(val) Then
If UBound(attr)-LBound(attr) <> UBound(val)-LBound(val) Then
Exit Function
For i = LBound(attr) To UBound(attr)
Set objAttr = objDoc.createAttribute(attr(i))
objNode.setAttribute attr(i), val(i)
End If
Set objAttr = objDoc.createAttribute(attr)
objNode.setAttribute attr, val
End If

objDoc.Save strFile

Set objAttr = Nothing
End Function

Function SetAttribute(strAttrName, strAttrValue, objNode)
Dim objAttr ' As MSXML2.IXMLDOMNode

If Not objNode Is Nothing Then
If strAttrValue <> "" or AllowEmptyAttr Then
Set objAttr = objNode.Attributes.getNamedItem(strAttrName)
If objAttr Is Nothing Then
Set objAttr = CreateAttribute(strAttrName, strAttrValue, objNode)
End If
objAttr.Text = strAttrValue
RemoveAttribute strAttrName, objNode
End If
End If
End Function

'// Create a child node under the specified XPath Node
Public Function createChildNode(strXPath, strNode)
Dim objParent
Dim objChild

For Each objParent In objDoc.documentElement.selectNodes(strXPath)
Set objChild = objDoc.createNode(1, strNode, "")

objDoc.Save strFile

Set objChild = Nothing
Set objParent = Nothing
End Function

'// Create a child node(s) under the specified XPath Node with attributes
Public Function createChildNodeWAttr(strXPath, strNode, attr, val)
Dim objParent
Dim objChild
Dim objAttr
Dim i

For Each objParent In objDoc.documentElement.selectNodes(strXPath)
Set objChild = objDoc.createNode(1, strNode, "")
If IsArray(attr) And IsArray(val) Then
If UBound(attr)-LBound(attr) <> UBound(val)-LBound(val) Then
Exit Function
For i = LBound(attr) To UBound(attr)
Set objAttr = objDoc.createAttribute(attr(i))
objChild.SetAttribute attr(i), val(i)
End If
Set objAttr = objDoc.createAttribute(attr)
objChild.setAttribute attr, val
End If


objDoc.Save strFile

Set objChild = Nothing
Set objParent = Nothing
End Function

'// Delete the node specified by the XPath
Public Function deleteNode(strXPath)
Dim objOld

For Each objOld In objDoc.documentElement.selectNodes(strXPath)
objDoc.documentElement.removeChild objOld

objDoc.Save strFile

Set objOld = Nothing
End Function
End Class

I can't recall where I got it from but I remember using it at an old client so I know it works.

Here is a (hopefully complete) implementation of the same code as a Windows Scripting Component:<?XML version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<component id="XML.Server">

<?component error="true" debug="true"?>

'// Dim objXML
'// Dim strPath
'// Dim str
'// Set objXML = New clsXML
'// strPath = "New.xml"
'// objXML.createFile strPath, "Root"
'// '// Or if you want to use an existing XML file:
'// 'objXML.File = "C:\File.xml"
'// objXML.createRootChild "Images"
'// '// Here, only one attribute is added to the Images/Image Node
'// objXML.createChildNodeWAttr "Images", "Image", "id", "1"
'// objXML.updateField "Images//Image[@id=1]", "super.gif"
'// objXML.createRootNodeWAttr "Jobs", Array("Size", "Length", "Width"), Array(24, 31, 30)
'// objXML.createRootNodeWAttr "Jobs", Array("Size", "Length", "Width"), Array(24, 30, 29)
'// objXML.createRootNodeWAttr "Jobs", Array("Size", "Length", "Width"), Array(24, 31, 85)
'// '// Notice that all three job nodes have size 24:
'// '// all of those nodes will be updated
'// objXML.updateField "Jobs[@Size=24]", "24's"
'// '// Notice that only two nodes have the specified XPath:
'// '// thus, only two new child nodes will be added
'// objXML.createChildNodeWAttr "Jobs[@Size=24 and @Length=31]", "Specs", _
'// Array("Wood", "Metal", "Color"), _
'// Array("Cedar", "Aluminum", "Green")
'// '// It is always important to iterate through all of the nodes
'// '// returned by this XPath query.
'// For Each str In objXML.getField("Jobs[@Size=24]")
'// WScript.Echo str & vbCRLF
'// Next
'// Set objXML = Nothing


<resource id="progid">XML.Server

<method name="createFile">
<PARAMETER name="strPath"/>
<PARAMETER name="strRoot"/>

<method name="openFile">
<PARAMETER name="strXMLFile"/>

<method name="createChildNode">
<PARAMETER name="strXPath"/>
<PARAMETER name="strNode"/>

<method name="createChildNodeWAttr">
<PARAMETER name="strXPath"/>
<PARAMETER name="strNode"/>
<PARAMETER name="attr"/>
<PARAMETER name="val"/>

<method name="createRootChild">
<PARAMETER name="strNode"/>

<method name="createRootNodeWAttr">
<PARAMETER name="strNode"/>
<PARAMETER name="attr"/>
<PARAMETER name="val"/>

<method name="updateRootNodeWAttr">
<PARAMETER name="strNode"/>
<PARAMETER name="attr"/>
<PARAMETER name="val"/>

<method name="updateChildNodeWAttr">
<PARAMETER name="strNode"/>
<PARAMETER name="attr"/>
<PARAMETER name="val"/>

<method name="updateNodeWAttr">
<PARAMETER name="strNode"/>
<PARAMETER name="attr"/>
<PARAMETER name="val"/>

<method name="deleteNode">
<PARAMETER name="strXPath"/>

<method name="getField">
<PARAMETER name="strXPath"/>

<method name="updateField">
<PARAMETER name="strXPath"/>
<PARAMETER name="strData"/>

<property name="XMLFile">
<get internalname="GetXMLFileName"/>
<put internalname="SetXMLFileName"/>


<implements type="Behavior" id="Behavior"/>

<script language="VBScript">

Private objDoc
Private strMsg
Private objFSO
Private blnResult

Public strXMLFile

Function GetXMLFileName()
GetXMLFileName = strXMLFile
End Function

Function SetXMLFileName(strXML)
strXMLFile = strXML
End Function

'// Function to load XML file
Public Function openFile(ByVal strXMLFile)

Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

openFile = False

If objFSO.FileExists(strXMLFile) Then
Set objDoc = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
objDoc.Async = False
objDoc.Load strXMLFile

openFile = True
strMsg = "File '" & strXMLFile & " does not exist."
WScript.Echo strMsg
End If

Set objFSO = Nothing
End Function

Public Function createFile(ByVal strPath, ByVal strRoot)
Dim objTextFile

createFile = False

Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objTextFile = objFSO.CreateTextFile(strPath, True)

With objTextFile
.WriteLine("<?xml version=""1.0""?>")
.WriteLine("<" & strRoot & "/>")
End With

strXMLFile = strPath
createFile = True

Set objTextFile = Nothing
Set objFSO = Nothing
End Function

'// Get XML Field(s) based on XPath input from root node
Public Function getField(ByVal strXPath)
Dim objNodeList
Dim arrResponse()
Dim i

Set objNodeList = objDoc.documentElement.selectNodes(strXPath)
ReDim arrResponse(objNodeList.length - 1)

For i = 0 To objNodeList.length - 1
arrResponse(i) = objNodeList.item(i).Text

getField = arrResponse
End Function

'// Update existing node(s) based on XPath specs
Public Function updateField(ByVal strXPath, ByVal strData)
Dim objField

updateField = False

For Each objField In objDoc.documentElement.selectNodes(strXPath)
objField.Text = strData

blnResult = saveFile(strXMLFile)
If blnResult Then
updateField = True
End If
Set objField = Nothing
End Function

'// Create node directly under root
Public Function createRootChild(ByVal strNode)
Dim objChild

createRootChild = False

Set objChild = objDoc.createNode(1, strNode, "")

blnResult = saveFile(strXMLFile)
If blnResult Then
createRootChild = True
End If

Set objChild = Nothing
End Function

'// Create a child node under root node with attributes
Public Function createRootNodeWAttr(ByVal strNode, ByVal attr, ByVal val)
Dim objChild
Dim objAttr
Dim i

createRootNodeWAttr = False

Set objChild = objDoc.createNode(1, strNode, "")
If IsArray(attr) And IsArray(val) Then
If UBound(attr)-LBound(attr) <> UBound(val)-LBound(val) Then
Exit Function
For i = LBound(attr) To UBound(attr)
Set objAttr = objDoc.createAttribute(attr(i))
objChild.setAttribute attr(i), val(i)
End If
Set objAttr = objDoc.createAttribute(attr)
objChild.setAttribute attr, val
End If


blnResult = saveFile(strXMLFile)
If blnResult Then
createRootNodeWAttr = True
End If

Set objChild = Nothing
End Function

'// Update a child node under root node with attributes
Public Function updateRootNodeWAttr(ByVal strNode, ByVal attr, ByVal val)
Dim objChild
Dim objAttr
Dim i

updateRootNodeWAttr = False

Set objChild = objDoc.selectSingleNode(strNode)
If IsArray(attr) And IsArray(val) Then
If UBound(attr)-LBound(attr) <> UBound(val)-LBound(val) Then
Exit Function
For i = LBound(attr) To UBound(attr)
objChild.setAttribute attr(i), val(i)
End If
objChild.setAttribute attr, val
End If


blnResult = saveFile(strXMLFile)
If blnResult Then
updateRootNodeWAttr = True
End If

Set objChild = Nothing
End Function

Public Function SetAttribute(strAttrName, strAttrValue, objNode)
Dim objAttr ' As MSXML2.IXMLDOMNode

If Not objNode Is Nothing Then
If strAttrValue <> "" or AllowEmptyAttr Then
Set objAttr = objNode.Attributes.getNamedItem(strAttrName)
If objAttr Is Nothing Then
Set objAttr = CreateAttribute(strAttrName, strAttrValue, objNode)
End If
objAttr.Text = strAttrValue
RemoveAttribute strAttrName, objNode
End If
End If
End Function

Public Function addNodeAttribute(strNode, attr, val)
Dim objNode
Dim objAttr
Dim i

Set objNode = objDoc.documentElement.selectSingleNode(strNode)

If IsArray(attr) And IsArray(val) Then
If UBound(attr)-LBound(attr) <> UBound(val)-LBound(val) Then
Exit Function
For i = LBound(attr) To UBound(attr)
Set objAttr = objDoc.createAttribute(attr(i))
objNode.setAttribute attr(i), val(i)
End If
Set objAttr = objDoc.createAttribute(attr)
objNode.setAttribute attr, val
End If

objDoc.Save strFile

Set objAttr = Nothing
End Function

'// Create a child node under the specified XPath Node
Public Function createChildNode(ByVal strXPath, ByVal strNode)
Dim objParent
Dim objChild

createChildNode = False

For Each objParent In objDoc.documentElement.selectNodes(strXPath)
Set objChild = objDoc.createNode(1, strNode, "")

blnResult = saveFile(strXMLFile)
If blnResult Then
createChildNode = True
End If

Set objChild = Nothing
Set objParent = Nothing
End Function

'// Create a child node(s) under the specified XPath Node with attributes
Public Function createChildNodeWAttr(ByVal strXPath, ByVal strNode, ByVal attr, ByVal val)
Dim objParent
Dim objChild
Dim objAttr
Dim i

createChildNodeWAttr = False

For Each objParent In objDoc.documentElement.selectNodes(strXPath)
Set objChild = objDoc.createNode(1, strNode, "")
If IsArray(attr) And IsArray(val) Then
If UBound(attr)-LBound(attr) <> UBound(val)-LBound(val) Then
Exit Function
For i = LBound(attr) To UBound(attr)
Set objAttr = objDoc.createAttribute(attr(i))
objChild.SetAttribute attr(i), val(i)
End If
Set objAttr = objDoc.createAttribute(attr)
objChild.setAttribute attr, val
End If


blnResult = saveFile(strXMLFile)
If blnResult Then
createChildNodeWAttr = True
End If

Set objChild = Nothing
Set objParent = Nothing
End Function

'// Update a child node(s) under the specified XPath Node with attributes
Public Function updateChildNodeWAttr(ByVal strXPath, ByVal strNode, ByVal attr, ByVal val)
Dim objParent
Dim objChild
Dim objAttr
Dim i

updateChildNodeWAttr = False

For Each objParent In objDoc.documentElement.selectNodes(strXPath)
Set objChild = objDoc.selectSingleNode(strNode)
If IsArray(attr) And IsArray(val) Then
If UBound(attr)-LBound(attr) <> UBound(val)-LBound(val) Then
Exit Function
For i = LBound(attr) To UBound(attr)
objChild.SetAttribute attr(i), val(i)
End If
objChild.setAttribute attr, val
End If


blnResult = saveFile(strXMLFile)
If blnResult Then
updateChildNodeWAttr = True
End If

Set objChild = Nothing
Set objParent = Nothing
End Function

Public Function updateNodeWAttr(ByVal strNode, ByVal attr, ByVal val)
Dim objNode
Dim objAttr
Dim i

updateNodeWAttr = False

Set objNode = objDoc.selectSingleNode(strNode)
If IsArray(attr) And IsArray(val) Then
If UBound(attr)-LBound(attr) <> UBound(val)-LBound(val) Then
Exit Function
For i = LBound(attr) To UBound(attr)
objNode.SetAttribute attr(i), val(i)
End If
objNode.setAttribute attr, val
End If

blnResult = saveFile(strXMLFile)
If blnResult Then
updateNodeWAttr = True
End If

Set objNode = Nothing
End Function

'// Delete the node specified by the XPath
Public Function deleteNode(ByVal strXPath)
Dim objNode

deleteNode = False

For Each objNode In objDoc.documentElement.selectNodes(strXPath)
objDoc.documentElement.removeChild objNode

blnResult = saveFile(strXMLFile)
If blnResult Then
deleteNode = True
End If

Set objNode = Nothing
End Function

'// Save the file
Private Function saveFile(ByVal strFile)

saveFile = False

On Error Resume Next
objDoc.Save strFile
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
strMsg = "Error " & Err.Number & " occured." & vbCRLF
strMsg = strMsg & Err.Description & vbCRLF
strMsg = strMsg & "Unable to save file '" & strFile & "'"
WScript.Echo strMsg
End If

On Error Goto 0
saveFile = True

End Function


BTW, if you're using Wise Package Studio, it can handle XML files. After adding an XML file, double-clicking it brings up the 'Dynamic Content' dialog. Search the WPS Help for 'XML' then see the topic 'Editing XML files During Installation'.

Lastly, I can't quite escape the feeling that this post really ought to have been in the 'Scripting' forum....LOL
Posted by: Inabus 15 years ago
Second Degree Green Belt
I agree that this should now be in the scripting forum, what with the ton of code you pasted, sheesh living up to your name with this one! :)

Posted by: anonymous_9363 15 years ago
Red Belt
what with the ton of code you pastedActually, I figured the second line from the OP probably gave it away...LOL
Posted by: Inabus 15 years ago
Second Degree Green Belt
Well you could of just gone, read the website here xxx and I could of not posted my code and this thread would of died staying in this forum :)

Posted by: rayz_0020 15 years ago
Senior Purple Belt
Hey Paul, you got no idea how much tat script helped me. Thanks...[:)]
Ian, I wud definitely look into wat u have suggested. This is something new to me and 'm curious to know more abt it. Thanks for the links.

Thanks again folks. [:)]

Posted by: anonymous_9363 15 years ago
Red Belt
Ian, I wud definitely look into wat u have suggested. Folks, can I once again make a plea to please try and avoid abbreviation (other than well-used and well-understood ones) and/or text-speak here? For many visitors, English isn't their first language and the practise makes posts that much harder to understand.
Posted by: Inabus 15 years ago
Second Degree Green Belt
Thanks and im glad it helped, my normal day rate of £300 applies ;)

Posted by: AngelD 15 years ago
Red Belt
Answering for money? now that is dangerous :D
Posted by: Inabus 15 years ago
Second Degree Green Belt
hehe well I doudt that would ever happen tbh as im not 100% sure myself that my answers are correct :p

<Ponders his new business model>

Posted by: rayz_0020 15 years ago
Senior Purple Belt
Folks, can I once again make a plea to please try and avoid abbreviation (other than well-used and well-understood ones) and/or text-speak here? For many visitors, English isn't their first language and the practice makes posts that much harder to understand.
Hmmm... got used to it so badly that, I even draft my official mails in the same style..[:'(]
Its the Spell Check that saves me.... [:D]

Thanks and im glad it helped, my normal day rate of £300 applies ;)
LOL.. No big deal.. Will bill my client with this one too.... If he is SMART enough to pay, we are all millionaires soon....[:D][:D][:D]
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