Slow KBOX Performance and Agent Task = krash upload
We're trying to troubleshoot some KBOX performance issues on a vk1200 running 5.3.53053. Everything was working OK until about a week ago. Most recent change has been creation of some adhoc reports using SQL editing function. We have a ticket open with Dell/KACE and they are looking at logs.
My question is about the 'K1000 Agent Tasks' area in System --> K1000 Settings --> Support. There is a View by All Tasks that shows any backlog of tasks which are running on KBOX. The tech says that normally you should never see more tasks than say 2X your number of KACE clients. One of the task types I keep seeing is 'krash upload'. If we have hundreds of these events across a wide variety of clients, is that something to be concerned about? Or is this just a symptom of whatever is slowing down the KBOX database?
Thanks in advance for any additional info, tips or hints.
Jon C.
Answers (2)
Krash Upload means agent is uploading logs after any event.
How many Agents are there in your network?
4,000+. And there are about 1,600 'krash events'. Wasn't sure if 'krash' was a kace kute spelling of 'crash' and that if I had 30% of my clients 'crashing', that was part of the root issue, or just a symptom of a sluggish/problematic datbase. - joncutler 12 years ago
At the K1000 Agent Tasks, do you see all of them in 'View by: In Progress' ? - Aaron Cool 12 years ago
Krash Upload Tasks are basically scheduled tasks (similar to inventory) which run once every 24 Hrs and check on client if there are any crash reported by agent. Seeing this task in 'K1000 Agent Tasks' area in System --> K1000 Settings --> Support should not be concerning and probably should not be the cause of slow performance
'Dell KACE| Quality Assurance Group'