
Quest KSDA. capture and deploy a image with 3 Partitions

i want to capture and deploy a image with 3 partitions

partition 1 is boot
partition 2 is OS and Programs
partition 3 is user data

the idea is if the computer fails (OS) i just go and deploy a image without having to back up the user data.

how do i do it, i just capture the image with 3 partitions?
in that case how do i do the diskpart and bat scripts to asing the first partition (boot) 1 gb, the second (OS and programs) 150 GB and the third partition the rest of the hdd space?

or there is a easier way to do that?

thanks in advanceĀ 

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Answers (2)

Posted by: akmagnum 6 years ago
Red Belt

I assume this is a UEFI image you want to capture?

Read this article


  • nope, its legacy - acid8k 6 years ago
Posted by: JasonEgg 6 years ago
Red Belt
I think you can achieve this by using a diskpart pre-installation task. I have not done this myself, so I'm not 100% sure how it works with Imaging (rather than a scripted install). Create a new diskpart task by going to Library > Pre-installation Tasks and selecting "Add DISKPART Script..."

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