Process Title on Child Tickets
We have a few Process tickets, ones in particular i'm posing this question for is our New/Change/Delete Employee processes. Is there a way to put the Parent Tickets "Title", which in our case is the employees name on the Child tickets titles as well.
Reason being, it's not my responsibility to work all the child tickets so when I view my tickets by "My Active Tickets" a lot of them are all the same child, so all I see is: Setup Phone/Voicemail (child) Multiple times. Would be nice to know which one each is for.
If i select the "Allow Child tickets to inherit fields" and check the Summary (Title) that gets rid of my child ticket title of what to do on that ticket. Unless i'm doing something wrong?
Answers (1)
You will have to setup a ticket rule to capture the title and then concatenate it to the titles of the child tickets
You've done this? When I go into defining a ticket rule, yes I can get it to grab the title contains "Employee" which works...but no real option on the next step of changing it to....Parent Title ticket or include Parent Title. I'm not seeing a way to specify this only applying to Process / Parent / Child tickets - creusser 2 years ago
If you are using the rule wizard not much can be done there. Sounds like you are new to kace? What you ask for needs to be be a manual sql rule as is almost anything you want to do that isnt provided (which isnt much really). We had the same issue as you for our employee processing. To do this one way is to concat the title together using whatever fields you desire.
This takes the default title and adds custom fields to it. I hope this helps. If I were you, I'd start learning sql unfortunately. OR, have Hobbsy's company do this for you. Will take less time and cost less in the long run to just have it done. I learned that the hard way, but Im past the point of no return. OR better yet... nevermind.. I'll refrain from being cancelled. - barchetta 2 years ago