
"Please wait while windows configures ...". How to remove this?

So far few of the packages I made, all start with "please wait while Windows Configures .."

I googled and found this answer but I don't exactly what it means.  Can someone explain in plain form?

or show step by step?

The triggering component needs to contain one or more of the following advertised entry points to actually trigger an auto repair operation:
- An advertised shortcut (unlikely on a component containing an OCX)
- A file extension/verb registered with the Extension and Verb tables (again unlikely on a component with an OCX)
- A COM class ID registered with the Class table (normally populated through COM extraction)
- An MSI API call in the application such as MsiProvideComponent, MsiQueryFeatureState, MsiGetComponentPath, MsiLocateComponent

The most likely entry point from the above possibilities is the COM class ID. If you open your MSI package in Orca or InstallShield and look at the Class table, is the component code from the auto repair entry listed in any records of the table? If so, this would serve as a trigger point whenever this class is instantiated (through CoCreateInstance or any equivalent). This data would likely only have been populated through COM extraction (COM extract at build or by right-clicking the file in the IDE and selecting 'Extract COM Data for Key File'). Changing to self-registration instead of using an COM extracted data should eliminate this entry point.

As far as disabling auto repair for your project, there isn't really any foolproof way to do so. You can try to eliminate any advertised entry points, or isolate them in a standalone parent feature that is hidden (auto repair works up from the feature containing an entry point).

The following articles might provide some useful information:
INFO: Description of Resiliency in Windows Installer (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/290997)
How To Disable Windows Installer Resiliency (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/303439/EN-US)

Note that in the last article, the suggestion provided completely disables Windows Installer so no MSI package will be configurable at that point.

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Answers (1)

Posted by: jagadeish 11 years ago
Red Belt

The above explanation is for to disable advertisement.. Are you looking for this?

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