
Mac - Hiding the Security and Privacy Preference Pane via Offline KScript


I'm working to deploy a simple script that will search for the com.apple.systempreferences.plist within the /Library/Managed Preferences/"logged in user"/ folder.

-If .plist exists i want it to create the HiddenPreferencePanes array and add the com.apple.preference.security key within the new array. After modification i (think i) need the .plist permissions to change to Root as owner and 755.

-If .plist does NOT exist, i want to run a simple script to create the .plist then add permissions (stated as if exists) as Root as owner and mod to 755.


Question: Can you add a user variable ($USER) into the Parameters section within launching a program? Refer to the following.



  1. Verify that the plist value “com.apple.systempreferences” in the plist “/Library/Managed Preferences/$USER/” exists.

On Success

  1. Launch “/usr/bin\defaults” with params “write /Library/Managed Preferences/$USER/com.apple.systempreferences.plist HiddenPreferencePanes -array-add com.apple.preference.security”.
  2. Launch “/usr/bin\dscl” with params “chown root /Library/Managed Preferences/$USER/com.apple.systempreferences.plist”.
  3. Launch “/usr/bin\dscl” with params “chmod 0755 /Library/Managed Preferences/$USER/com.apple.systempreferences.plist”.


  1. Launch “/usr/bin\dscl” with params “sudo mv /Library/Application Support/Dell/KACE/data/scripts/169/com.apple.systempreferences.plist /Library/Managed\ Preferences/$USER/”.
  2. Launch “/usr/bin\dscl” with params “chown root /Library/Managed Preferences/$USER/com.apple.systempreferences.plist”.
  3. Launch “/usr/bin\dscl” with params “chmod 0755 /Library/Managed Preferences/$USER/com.apple.systempreferences.plist”.



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