
Kace Agent fails install via IP Provisioning


We had some agents that wouldn't reconnect so we removed them via IP and then added them back right after. Some work fine but there are a few that don't re-install. They remove it successfully but then the reinstall gives an MSI_ERROR_CODES. This is Windows 7 64-bit. Some work fine and some fail. We can't find any correlation between the ones that are successful and the failed ones either. Here is the log when trying... I removed the references to our kbox with XXX's. Normally the correct information is there though.

Opening pipe to service
IN: pipe_open(\pipe\KBRemoteService, 2)
Sending commands
Commands: //XXX-XXXX-kbox/client/agent_provisioning/windows_platform/agent_msi_provision.bat XXX-kbox client ampagent-5.4.10622-x86.msi XXX-kbox
      Sending login credentials
Login: Domain\Username
      [MSGCODE: 000] Begin agent_msi_provision.bat processing.
[MSGCODE: 064] Detected 64-bit platform.
[MSGCODE: 015] Executing MSI installer.

C:\Windows\TEMP>start /wait msiexec.exe /qn /l*v C:\Windows\TEMP\ampmsi.log /i \\XXXXXX-XX\client\agent_provisioning\windows_platform\ampagent-5.4.10622-x86.msi HOST=XXXX-Kbox
C:\Windows\TEMP>echo off
MSI Info: [ERROR_INSTALL_FAILURE] A fatal error occurred during installation.
[MSGCODE: 002] K1000 Agent is not installed.
[MSGCODE: 092] AMP is not connected.
[MSGCODE: 093] KUID value detected.
K1000 agent KUID: B5C222FE-CAB5-498A-A052-589DBBAB5731
[MSGCODE: 100] End agent_msi_provision.bat processing.
Removing service (Exit code: 0)
OpenService - NT_STATUS_OK
StopService - NT_STATUS_OK
DeleteService - NT_STATUS_OK
CloseServiceHandle - NT_STATUS_OK
Connecting to ADMIN$
Deleting service file
Disconnecting ADMIN$

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Answers (1)

Posted by: AbhayR 11 years ago
Red Belt

Are  you able to install the agent manually from the wizard on those affected machines?

  • Yes it works if you manually install. - kdeyocats180 11 years ago
  • Check whether following things are enabled

    1) enable file and print services
    netsh firewall set service FileAndPrint

    2) disable UAC remote restrictions
    reg add HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System /v
    LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy /t REG_DWORD /d 1

    3) restart machine

    1. more info
    netsh advfirewall firewall set rule group=â€File and Printer Sharing†new enable=Yes - AbhayR 11 years ago
  • Thanks for the suggestion. The File & print sharing is off on our image. You need admin credentials to turn it on and our users don't have that ability. I checked both the ones that it worked on and the ones that it failed and they were all off. So that can't be it since its worked and failed with that turned off. Same goes for the remote restrictions. - kdeyocats180 11 years ago

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