K1000 Agent Deployment via GPO
Brand new to this, I have the agent deploying via group policy, but can't figure out how to tell which ones didn't.t get the agent. Is there a report, if not has someone written a query. I know there are 649 workstations and serves on the domain, but only 426 have the agent. I need to quickly. Identify which ones didn't get the agent and why.
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KBOX only knows about machines that have an agent. You can create a report that you can then compare to your LDAP to see what is missing but the KBOX has a IP SCAN tab. You might want to scan the network and see who isn't listening on port 52230. Those that aren't probably don't have the KBOX agent installed. - nshah 10 years ago
So I have run an IP scan and I get over 1076 reachable devices, some are switches,routers printers etc. How would I scan for just port 52230 - put it in connection test port? - Annien 10 years ago
Any chance someone has already written that report. - Annien 10 years ago
As nshah mentioned, the K1000 really wouldn't be very helpful. You can use GPO reporting similar to this: http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/windowsserver/en-US/81119c6c-c721-4948-aa01-e6c692bcd2e4/tool-to-generate-report-of-installed-applications-through-gpo?forum=winserverGP - jknox 10 years ago
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