
K100 Service Desk - exporting/reporting on attachments & limitation to attachments - how to handle

We need to do exports/reports which include ticket attachments are part of SOX audit (the attachments to some tickets provide evidence of approvals).

Is there a way I can do an export of documents attached to specific tickets?

I also came across the following articles pointing to a limitation of 32,768 for the number of ticket attachments that can be stored on a K1000.

K1000 Service Desk not accepting ticket attachments (141049)
Service Desk Discards Attachments (118620)

1) Is this still a limitation with 6.4?
2) How can I see how many attachments we currently have (are the steps to enable access to the hidden attachments share only related to 5.4/5.3 versions as indicated in ticket 118620)


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