
I have deployed the OS on my 32bit laptops and how do I get Kace to deploy the OS updates and patches

I have deployed the OS on my 32bit laptops and how do I get The Kace server to deploy the OS updates and patches.

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Answers (2)

Posted by: WGM_Jeff 12 years ago
4th Degree Black Belt

You will need to do that from the security tab. Set up a detect and deploy, add the label or group of machines that you want to patch, and then add whatever patches you want it update the machines with. I set up a label for critical and recommended patches for the OS and then add the label to the detect and deploy.

Posted by: Aaron Cool 12 years ago
Red Belt

You would have to setup the type of Patches you need in Subscription settings, select only the OS you need. Then set the Patching download from Control Panel> K1000 Patch Settings> Define the Download time and Stop Download time. During your first download, it will take some time, so be patient. Once you have the latest patches downloaded, go ahead and run Detect & Deploy. 

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