
How do I correct the error: File with key ??? located at ??? could not be compressed?

When I'm compiling a MSI file I get the message mentioned above.
The solution is to delete the files with size 0 but how do I delete those files?
I tried to delete them directly from the table but then I get a corrupt MSI file.
Besides it's not recommended to delete or change files directly in the table.

So what's the workaround for this problem?

Thanks for reply anyway.


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Answers (5)

Posted by: WiseUser 19 years ago
Fourth Degree Brown Belt
Sounds like you're using Wise?

If so, delete the file from the interface rather than the file table (assuming you don't need it). If it's the only file in it's component, delete the component too.

If the file is required, then provide a valid absolute or relative path to the file either through the interface, or through the WiseSourcePath table. The reason the file shows a 0 byte size is that the source file cannot be located - this commonly occurs when the WiseSourcePath table refers to the original file locations (eg: "Program Files" or "Windows\System32") and the application has been uninstalled.

If you need to change the source paths for a great number of files, try the "<Ctrl>+D" key combination or "Tools\Convert Source Paths".
Posted by: bheers 19 years ago
Second Degree Blue Belt
did you check to see if the source for these files still exists
if you are using wise check the table wise source path
and if you are using installshield Path variable under Media. see if the paths entries are still valid.
Posted by: VikingLoki 19 years ago
Second Degree Brown Belt
Yes, that just means Wise can't find the original file. If you're using an old version of Wise (v3.x to 4.x), I did find a bug where that problem would occurr even though the file was present in the correct location. It usually ocurred when you add an additional file to an existing MSI. To get around it, I had to convert the .MSI into a .WSI (WiseScript Install) add the file then compile it back into an MSI.
Posted by: strakm 18 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
Are you recompiling on the same workstation that the initial snapshot was taken? If not, depending on how your setup, you may have to reinstall the app, then finish compiling so it can grab those files. If you need to create on one workstation, then compile on another, you'll have to make some changes within WISE Package Studio.
Posted by: BobTheBuilder 18 years ago
Purple Belt
An easy way to resolve local installation source issues is to open a copy of your msi with WFWI and when you see the "Do you want to create a new project file?" dialog answer "Yes".

Then point your source directory to a network share (Preferably a development area, not your distribution point or DFS share). Extract your source MSI's files to that point (you are really doing an administrative installation here). Save your wsi in the directory where your just opened MSI resides.

My shares end up looking like somthing this:
Msi and Wsi files go here...
ServerName\Development$\Applications\AppName\Source\App.msi and App.wsi

my administrative install files live here...
ServerName\Development$\Applications\AppName\Admin\Program FIles\Application\*.Files

When the wsi creation is complete, just recompile. Now you have an MSI package that can recompile anywhere you have your Wise tools. Makes it easier to update one or two files by replacing them on the network source too.
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