Installation and uninstallation of the Synaptics Touchpad Driver is quite easy, call dpinst.exe /? and you'll get the supported switches.
But what to do if you do not have the setup-files but only a crippled Synaptics-Directory with the missing dpinst.exe - and you have to change the mouse driver ? In an unattended environment, 'rundll32.exe "C:\Program Files\Synaptics\SynTP\SynISDLL.dll",standAloneUninstall' won't help you because of its question about sure to uninstall.
I looked in SynISDLL.dll and searched for the string "standAloneUninstall". Some words around this one I found the word "SilentUninstall_CallerWillReboot" - this did it in my case. It is possible, that the people from Synaptics change the switch from version to version, but then it is also possible that you can find the right one right there.
While it does suppress the reboot you still requires it to fully remove.
My issue:
I encountered this odd issue where in SCCM 2012r2 Task Sequence when I added some workstations to Auto Apply Drivers and Synaptics Pointing Device Driver was installing.
While not ideal, I was able to find a workaround this by adding a command line:
rundll32.exe "%ProgramFiles%\Synaptics\SynTP\SynISDLL.dll",SilentUninstall_CallerWillReboot
with the condition of wmi query the computer models. -> SELECT * FROM Win32_ComputerSystem WHERE Model LIKE "%Computer Model %". until I figure out a better solution. -
9 years ago
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rundll32.exe "%ProgramFiles%\Synaptics\SynTP\SynISDLL.dll",SilentUninstall_CallerWillReboot
While it does suppress the reboot you still requires it to fully remove.
My issue:
I encountered this odd issue where in SCCM 2012r2 Task Sequence when I added some workstations to Auto Apply Drivers and Synaptics Pointing Device Driver was installing.
While not ideal, I was able to find a workaround this by adding a command line:
rundll32.exe "%ProgramFiles%\Synaptics\SynTP\SynISDLL.dll",SilentUninstall_CallerWillReboot
with the condition of wmi query the computer models. -> SELECT * FROM Win32_ComputerSystem WHERE Model LIKE "%Computer Model %". until I figure out a better solution. - felixcruz3 9 years ago