
working with upgrade table but previous version won't uninstall

Hi, I'm struggling with an upgrade issue.  Previous version of the application is 6.1, new version is 6.1.4.  We're talking about a vendor MSI (created with Installshield).

So, I created following entry in the Upgrade table: {upgradecode_of_version_6.1};6.1;6.1.4;1033;256;;UPGRADE_61

I added "UPGRADE_61" to the SecureCustomProperties property in the Property table.

What I did sofar:

  • tried several "Attributes" like 256, 768, 512, 517 -> still not removing previous version
  • tried moving the RemoveExistingProducts action: between InstallValidate and InstallInitialize and even right after FindRelatedProducts -> still not working

What could be wrong here?

Thanks in advance!

2 Comments   [ + ] Show comments
  • What tools are you using to edit the MSI? What type of deployment software (if any) do you use? - quattro004 10 years ago
    • It's a vendor MSI made with Installshield, I'm creating a transform using Orca. - koswo 10 years ago
  • Got it. I primarily work in AdminStudio so I can't be of much help with Orca. Normally what I'll do is ensure the upgrade codes are the same between the currently installed version and the new version, then configure the MSI/MST to look at product versions of the installed app with the same upgrade code an set it to install if the installed version is < the new version. On the off chace it does work I resort to creating a Task Sequence in SCCM to uninstall the previous version via cmd line prior to installing the new version of the app. This may not totally apply to your situation but hopefully it helps point you in a direction that will work. - quattro004 10 years ago

Answers (2)

Posted by: Badger 10 years ago
Red Belt

This was one of those things that Wise was rumoured to do better.... If you are working with project files, then its pretty much the same. But if you are dealing with an existing MSI then the upgrade dialogue is not visible in the InstallShield UI. Wise let you edit upgrades directly. You have to do it through the tables. pretty much like you have said.

I have just done a test here, although both MSI's have the same upgrade code, that should not matter, as long as you have the correct Upgrade code in your MSI (did you do a copy/Paste?)

I did some tests:
1st   :using 6.1 in the MIN version, Att 256
2nd  :using 6.1.4 in the MAX version, Att 512
3rd  :using the max settings, but did it in and MST

They all worke. I notice from your log file, that the upgrade_61 property is not being modified. So, 4th test...

4th  : used max settings, but reset GUID in Upgrade table to a diff (random GUID) upgrade fails.

I reckon you have not used the correct upgrade code in the Upgrade table. You need to use the first MSI (v4.1) Upgrade code.




Posted by: shreyas 10 years ago
Senior White Belt

hi you will required to check first does your vendor msi cater upgrade automatically if not then

you will required to run vb script before running your msi which will remove the previous product first if present then will install higher version vendor msi.



strun=msiexec /x "{Product code}" /qn



  • This is exactly the sort of misinformation that makes forums like this such a trial for people to use.

    @OP, what did the verbose log tell you happened when the Upgrade table was read?

    Have you tried using the same syntax for your min and max versions, i.e. 6.1.0 instead of 6.1? - anonymous_9363 10 years ago
    • Hi VBScab, I've put the install log here: http://goo.gl/tL5S1M - koswo 10 years ago
    • setting the min version to 6.1.0 doesn't work either - koswo 10 years ago
      • Have you checked any of the basics? - for example, are the upgrade codes the same?
        From the log, it would appear that either upgrades are suppressed or there is a problem finding any relevant software to upgrade, viz:
        MSI (s) (0C:B0) [14:58:01:565]: Skipping action: CCPSearch (condition is false)
        MSI (s) (0C:B0) [14:58:01:565]: Skipping action: RMCCPSearch (condition is false) - EdT 10 years ago
  • Hi Ed, the upgrades aren't the same, but even when I use the same upgrade codes it doesn't work.

    I have the same problem with another MSI created using InstallShield. When I use Wise, I never have this kind of issues, even with different upgrade codes. InstallShield also adds this default "ISFOUNDNEWERPRODUCTVERSION" entry in the upgrade table but even after removing that entry still no success :( - koswo 10 years ago

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