
VBScript Newbie - Final tweaks, help needed

I am new to the scripting world and could use a little assistance. I've played around with scripts here and there, but recently I've become more involved and have my first script that I've been working on that needs a little help. Please see the code below and advise on how I might tweak it a little if there is any redundancies that could be coded more cleanly, etc... I have tested it and it is currently working, but I'd also like to add one more report as well.

I have REMed out few lines that run a subroutine to log the results of the changes so you can see what I'm doing here.

I'd also like to log if the file \ folder does not exist - the script has run successfully, but no files were detected and no files have been changed. Exit SUCCESS

I do want to keep the variable types listed in the names as I've been told this makes it much easier to troubleshoot and good practive for other languages if I decide to move on further with coding.

I also like to keep the coding part very generic so all user data is defined in the Dim / Const area and can be easily recognized and changed for future use in similar projects.

Here is my script:


Option Explicit

On Error GoTo 0

 Const FORREADING       = 1
 Const FORWRITING       = 2
 Const CREATE        = True  Dim Counter    : Counter = 1
 Dim intNewTextCounter1 : intNewTextCounter1 = 0
 Dim intNewTextCounter2 : intNewTextCounter2 = 0
 Dim objFSO    : Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
 Dim objMyFile
 Dim objMyTemp
 Dim strEditFile1  : strEditFile1  = strFilePath & "default.txt"
 Dim strFilePath
 Dim strMyLine
 Dim strNewText1   : strNewText1 = "New text 1"
 Dim strNewText2   : strNewText2 = "New text 2"
 Dim strOriginalText1 : strOriginalText1 = "Text to be replaced 1"
 Dim strOriginalText2 : strOriginalText2 = "Text to be replaced 2"
 Dim strTempFile  Dim arrFileFolders  : arrFileFolders = Array("C:\Home\", _
              "C:\Program Files\Home\")
  For Each strFilePath In arrFileFolders
   strEditFile1  = strFilePath & "default.txt"
   strTempFile  = strFilePath & "EditFile.tmp" 'Routine begins here   If objFSO.FileExists(strEditFile1) Then
  'LogProgress("The file [" & strEditFile1 & " has been found]")    Set objMyFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(strEditFile1, FORREADING)
   Set objMyTemp = objFSO.OpenTextFile(strTempFile, FORWRITING, CREATE)
   Do While Not objMyFile.AtEndofStream
     strMyLine = objMyFile.ReadLine
    If InStr(1, strMyLine, strOriginalText1, vbTextCompare) Then
     strMyLine = Replace(strMyLine, strOriginalText1, strNewText1, 1, -1, vbtextcompare)
     intNewTextCounter1 = intNewTextCounter1 + Counter
    End If
    If InStr(1, strMyLine, strOriginalText2, vbTextCompare) Then
     strMyLine = Replace(strMyLine, strOriginalText2, strNewText2, 1, -1, vbtextcompare)
     intNewTextCounter2 = intNewTextCounter2 + Counter     End If     objMyTemp.WriteLine strMyLine
  'LogProgress("The original text [" & strOriginalText1 & "] has been detected in " & strEditFile1 & " and changed to [" & strNewText1 & "] " & intNewTextCounter1 & " times")   'LogProgress("The original text [" & strOriginalText2 & "] has been detected in " & strEditFile1 & " and changed to [" & strNewText2 & "] " & intNewTextCounter2 & " times")    intNewTextCounter1=0
   objFSO.DeleteFile strEditFile1
   objFSO.MoveFile strTempFile, strEditFile1
  End If  Next  Set objFSO = Nothing ' I've been told that this prevents memory leakage


Your thoughts?


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