
Vb script Active setup


I would like to start by saying the site is great and I have learned a ton reading through the threads. 

With that being said I am not the best at VB scripting by a long shot i usually find ways around doing it lol but i could really use some help with a script i need to build and its probably really simple for anyone thats decent in VB. below is what im trying to do if someone could maybe give me a couple examples of how they would go about it that would be awesome! 

Copy ExtensionRegistration.vbs to c:\windows


Create an active setup that will run the c:\windows\ExtensionRegistration.vbs if this key is missing:

HKCU\Software\Cisco Systems\Viewmail for Outlook\Profiles\Outlook\Servers\Microsoft Exchange\Phone

Best Regards 

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Answers (2)

Posted by: anonymous_9363 8 years ago
Red Belt
Please delete your duplicate post entitled 'Active Setup script'.

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