
silent uninstall Microsoft Visio or Project 365

I have a number of computers that have Office 365 installed, as well as either Project or Visio 365.

I want to silently uninstall Project or Visio but leave Office 365 intact. Wanted to add the uninstall string to SCCM to automate the uninstall process, but I'm struggling to find the string that works, or the form of the XML configuration file that works.

I thought this would work much like Office 2013, with a silent uninstall command of:

setup.exe /configure uninstallProjectPro.xml

The XML file looks like this:

<Display Level="full" CompletionNotice="no" SuppressModal="yes" AcceptEula="yes" />
<Product ID="prjpro" />

That works, but of course waits for a prompt since Display Level is set to "full". If I change it to "none", setup.exe still runs, but eventually stops, and Project isn't uninstalled.

I also tried changing Product ID to "ProjectProRetail" due to something I read online, but that doesn't work, either.

Also tried the following command line from the HKLM/Software/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Uninstall hive of the registry:

"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office 15\ClientX64\OfficeClickToRun.exe" scenario=install scenariosubtype=uninstall baseurl="C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office 15" platform=x86 version=15.0.4867.1003 culture=en-us productstoremove=ProjectProRetail_en-us_x-none 

That, too, waits for a prompt before running the uninstall. So I'm out of ideas for how to get this to uninstall silently.

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Answers (1)

Answer Summary:
Posted by: spartacus 8 years ago
Black Belt

Top Answer

You could try 

"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office 15\ClientX64\OfficeClickToRun.exe" scenario=install scenariosubtype=uninstall baseurl="C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office 15" platform=x86 version=15.0.4867.1003 culture=en-us productstoremove=ProjectProRetail_en-us_x-none DisplayLevel=False


  • This should work just fine. I had tried this in the past and works as expected. - shrestha.rajiv.k 8 years ago
  • This worked, Spartacus. Thanks! - RonW 8 years ago
  • You can get the uninstall command line from the registry for any ClickToRun or Deployment Tool office install (I'm experimenting with installing single components). If you add the DisplayLevel=False to the end it becomes silent. Why doesn't MS document these things somewhere. At least allow /? to work or something. - macxcool 7 years ago
  • Thanks for the help. Yeah, I agree it would be nice if MSFT documented this stuff for us. :/ - AbfSailor 7 years ago

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