
Silent uninstall for Adobe Acrobat Reader DC 1701220093?

Wondering if anyone knows the silent uninstall string for Adobe Acrobat Reader DC 1701220093. The registry indicates it's this:

MsiExec.exe /I{AC76BA86-7AD7-1033-7B44-AC0F074E4100}

Slapping a /qn to the end of that doesn't work, though.

An msiexec process fires up when running the uninstall string with /qn, but then it dies. Product isn't uninstalled.


2 Comments   [ + ] Show comments
  • Sooooo...the verbose log tells me several things:
    1. I should use /X for the uninstall, like rockhead44 suggested
    2. I should remember to use verbose logging
    3. I haven't done much packaging lately
    4. I need to drink more coffee so I'm awake when I'm posting to IT Ninja
    5. I need to spend about .5 minutes longer thinking about my post before actually posting it.

    Rookie mistake. Shoulda caught it on my own but didn't. Apologies to all for the trivial post. - RonW 7 years ago
  • Another way is to use the Adobe recommended one that can be downloaded form here. https://labs.adobe.com/downloads/acrobatcleaner.html
    The use the switch to choose Adobe Acrobat Reader DC AdobeAcroCleaner_DC2015.exe /silent /product=1 - james.manimala 4 years ago

Answers (2)

Posted by: rockhead44 7 years ago
Red Belt
use msiecec /x to uninstall

msiexec /i is for installs
Posted by: anonymous_9363 7 years ago
Red Belt
Sooooooooooooooooooooooo...what does the verbose log that you took tell you?

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