
Script to bypass Login warning?

I have an answer file that bypasses the OOBE which is great. I also have a script that automatically logs me in to my AD account. The only problem is the only way to auto login is to press "OK" when the "WARNING unauthorized use of this computer....ect". This warning setting I want to keep, as it is part of our GPO. If there is a way to add this to my answer file or create a post install script that presses "OK" for me that would be clutch.


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Answers (1)

Posted by: anonymous_9363 7 years ago
Red Belt
To me, it would make more sense to add new machines into a different AD group or OU (your GPOs are scoped, right?) so that the GPO doesn't get applied, then move them into the appropriate AD group or OU nearer the end of your script.

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