
Running scripts including a reboot


I recently purchased the K1100 box and getting familiar with the box, and this forum have been a great help to have on the side, so I hope some of you can help me out. I am struggeling a good deal running a specific script including a reboot. I have a specific task for deploying Office 2010 that I need to run. In order to make sure Office 2007 is completly uninstalled prior Office 2010 I have a .vbs file who takes care of that and that part is working perfectly. In the final stage it makes a reboot and I am having a hard time launching the Office 2010 installation which I have checked in to the box and which works when I deploy as an MI, but I can't get it to kick in after the reboot.

I have created it as an Offline script with the box: "Also Run at User Login" ticked, so the installation would start after login and the Kbox agent is also scanning configuration after reboot and thats it, nothing happens.

I have tried to put the installation of Office 2010 in the "On success" section, and later in the "remidiation" section and finally tried to put in a "2nd task" section, but same result.

Does anyone have a tip how to accomplish my task as I haven't been able to see a similar post on this forum.

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Answers (4)

Posted by: cblake 13 years ago
Red Belt
If I'm reading this right- your script is being interrupted with a reboot. Separate the 2 into different scripts and add some verififaction steps to each to ensure they don't run when they shouldn't.
If I've misunderstood, please post the actual script[s] here and maybe we can help further.
Posted by: kko85 13 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
Still struggeling a bit with this. My script runs fine and kicks in the reboot, but I need the script to pause until reboot finishes, is this possible ?

Cblake you mentioned splitting it up in two scripts, but how do I call the second script after the first ? My knowledge is still some limited within the Kbox scripting :o)

My script so far is quite simple for testing purposes and splitted in two tasks:
Task 1:
Verify that the file “”%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Office\Office12\“\WINWORD.EXE” exists.
On Success:
Launch “$(KBOX_SYS_DIR)\cscript.exe” with params “”$(KACE_DEPENDENCY_DIR)\OffScrub07.vbs“ ”Smallbusiness, Outlook“”
Launch “$(KBOX_SYS_DIR)\shutdown.exe” with params “-r -f -t 90”

All this works perfect but the script continues during the shutdown counter instead of waiting for the reboot to finish.

Task 2:
Verify that the product “”%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Office\"Winword.exe” does not hav version “14.0.5123.5000”
On Success
Install “Microsoft Office Professionel Plus 2010” with arguments “setup.exe”

Hope it makes sense :o)
Posted by: darkhawktman 13 years ago
Green Belt
I haven't deployed Office 2010, but when I configured Office 2007 deployments, the Office Configuration tool has an option to uninstall older versions of office. If you set this up and run the office 2010 install, this would hopefully uninstall 2007 and install 2010 all in one step. This would probably be an easier path to accomplish this upgrade than having to create two scripts.
Posted by: kko85 13 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
Yeah I know, and I already have some info in the .msp file. But our Office 2007 installations have been handled badly, so the normal uninstaller simply can't do the job good enough unfortunately.

Another approach to this, which I will test today is to run the script, make the reboot and see if I can get the MI to kick in during the reboot adding the two task under the same label, hopefully this will work.
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