
Repair Error

I installed the application as admin.

Logged off and logged in as non admin user.

When i m trying to repair my application using msexec /f or using repair button in ARP, in non-admin user, i get the below error.

Any Advise ??


1 Comment   [ + ] Show comment
  • Client Users does not have permission to browse to any location accept their system with their login ids...
    Is there any other way to suppress this ? - shradha_jain02 11 years ago

Answers (6)

Posted by: nheyne 11 years ago
Red Belt

Is the Infosys user your admin or non-admin user?  I'm guessing the .msi is on the desktop of your admin user, so naturally your non-admin user won't be able to see it unless you elevate your permissions.

Posted by: SMal.tmcc 11 years ago
Red Belt

You can do a few things to fix this.

Change the source path in the registry to a different location

HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Installer\Products\<product code>\SourceList\Net

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Installer\Products\<product code>\SourceList\Net

Give all users rights to "infosys's" desktop

Put the file in a different location like a common share and have the users use the browse button to navigate to that location then say OK

Posted by: shradha_jain02 11 years ago
Orange Senior Belt

Yes we tried by keeping the installer in C:\Apps.. still its the same...

Posted by: piyushnasa 11 years ago
Red Belt

There are 2 things:

1) You cannot access the source location of the source. Keep it on a server which is accessible to all users.

2) There is already a registry key at HKCR\Installer\Products\{ProductCode}\ for this application which is causing this issue. Search for this key with the application name and delete it.


~Piyush Nasa


~My Blog:  http://msiworld.blogspot.com/

Posted by: dj_xest 11 years ago
5th Degree Black Belt

Please take some time to read this: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa371859%28VS.85%29.aspx

Meanwhile, as far as I can see in the screenshot you provided, you are doing the testing in a very wrong way. You put the installer in the desktop. Your non-admin user don't access on it for sure.

Try running the installs by having all your sources to a location where every users on the machines can see the source like C:\My Apps and not on user profiles!



Posted by: shradha_jain02 11 years ago
Orange Senior Belt

There are no external cab files.. we tried installing the application from the location "C:\Apps" still the same...
Also in our msi there were to Custom Actions which our client has asked us to remove:

Custom Action1
Name - WiseModifySourceList
Type - 3073
Source - Callwiseapi
Target - ModifySourceList

Custom Action 2
Name - WiseModifySourceListInit
Type - 51
Source - WiseModifySourceList
Target - \\%CURRENT_STATION%\cid$\site_unique_images\Haali_Media_Splitter\;\\%CURRENT_STATION%\cid$\images\Haali_Media_Splitter\;[SourceDir]

Could it be because of these settings something is corrupting the installer ?

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