
Problem with upgrade win8 to Win 10 basen on toturial ( K2000 )

Hello guys
Right now i am working on massive upgrade on devices that have Win 8 Home to windows 10. I have done everything iike that toturial say :
But when K2 is trying to make a Upgrade to Windows 10 Task (Post-install task ) there comes a error. I have found that the source image i have created using Media Manager on Windows 10 has only 1GB - maybe thats the problem ? 

As we can see the problematic task we have script : 
%systemdrive%\win10\setup.exe /auto upgrade /installfrom %systemdrive%\win10\sources\install.wim /postoobe %systemdrive%\KACE\setupcomplete.cmd /noreboot /dynamicupdate disable 

that is trying to open a c:\win10\setup.exe application that release a silent upgrade.  But when i check that localistaion i only see those folders and files : 
Docs folder, Samples folder, idk folder, tools folder and readmes file . So i am almost sure the problem is in source media of Windows 10. Is there any special trick to create Win 10 SM? 

Any tips / solution >? 

3 Comments   [ + ] Show comments
  • Where did you get your original Windows 10 source media? - chucksteel 8 years ago
    • Before I have made it using Media Manager on another devices that has already Win 10 installed and AIK ( for windows 7 ). The source media has then only 1Gb. Right now i have made it using ADK for windows 10 - Path in media manager is a link to : ADK folder . Source Media has 3.2GB but it has diffrent "tree " : 12 Folders -common, deployment tools, docs, application compatibility toolkit, docs, imagaing and configuration designer,user state migration tool, vamt3, windows assesment toolkit, windows preinstallation envoironment and windows setup. In windows setup folder we can find 3 folder - arm, x86 and amd64 where are setup.exe files located. I have try to solved it so i have change script to run this file but then after reboot when post-task is running i receive error window from that setup "Setup couldnt run properly - please reboot your PC and try run Windows 10 setup again ". Any tips ? - moganus 8 years ago
  • Is the Windows 10 media, Windows 10 Home? They must be the same version.
    -Corey - cserrins 8 years ago
    • Damn, i have too early has said that it has worked. Right now i have made source media of Win 10 using ADK and it has 3.2GB but i still got the same problem - there is no setup.exe file in win10 localisation. I have figured that one file ( setup.exe) is in my source media in ""%systemdrive%\win10\windows setup\amd64\setup.exe" " so i have change script to run this file but then after reboot when post-task is running i receive error window from that setup "Setup couldnt run properly - please reboot your PC and try run Windows 10 setup again ". Any tips ? - moganus 8 years ago
  • Hi guys, thx for answer - i think i have solved a problem - i have to create source media with ADK for win 10 ( i have previosly made it by AIK for windows 7. - moganus 8 years ago

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