Packaging the 7.2 agent into a pre-configured PKG file?
I've been using the guide on Enterprise OS X up until now for building a silent installer for KACE that can be inserted into third party imaging utility workflows. The desired goal is that the PKG file will perform the nescicarry configuration for our enterprise's server, replacing the default value "KBOX" Products like DeployStudio don't allow passing arguments directly to a PKG.
This however hasn't worked for me in 7.2 as the package will always fail if a post-installation script is added.
Has anyone packaged the 7.2 agent in this manner?
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Posted by:
7 years ago
Rather than make a package containing the KACE installer and the necessary script, I created a workflow that installs the package and then runs a script to set the configuration. This allows for easier updating when new versions of the KACE installer are released, also. This workflow is then included in our imaging workflows.
Thanks, I had attempted this but when used with deploystudio, it caused the agent to end up in a weird state where the amp.conf is missing. - Kiyolaka 7 years ago