
Office 2010 silent deployment, bug afterwards

after a silent depolyment of office 2010, when accessing the options-language settings, a bunch of other programs (onenote, infopath...) that were not selected during the silent configuration of the .mst file do install! I've replicated this weird behavior time and time again and it does not depend on slipstreamed service packs or different options you choose for your .mst file.

Am I the only one who has noted this?!


13 Comments   [ + ] Show comments
  • This has never happened to us, we used MLA and KMS versions of 2010 and now we push 2013 also without this problem - SMal.tmcc 11 years ago
  • When you say .MST file - you mean .MSP file right? Just checking that you're doing it right :) - dunnpy 11 years ago
  • sorry.. of course I mean .msp file... - gbmolina 11 years ago
  • I too have deployed 2010 and 2013 without this happening. I would start with building a new msp from scratch and test the deployment without any updates included in the Updates folder. - mpace 11 years ago
  • We only had this happen with Windows 7 clients. Could it have been the service pack that released about the 10th? - janetlperkins 11 years ago
  • Did that, same thing, with or withoup contents in the update folder - i still get this damn "reconfiguration" of the isntalled programs. I know i'm mistaking somewhere, because nobody has complained, it is that simple. The problem is, i don't know where I am mistaking :( - gbmolina 11 years ago
  • 1, enable MSI logging
    2, Check the Event log. That will show you waht's triggering the repair. - anonymous_9363 11 years ago
  • nope, the same thing happens without the SP being present in the Updates folder at all :( - gbmolina 11 years ago
  • Could it be that I am using the wrong version of office? I'm using Microsoft Office 2010 Professional Plus VL Edition, anyone? Just to clarify: I make a perfect silent installation and than, after it is completed, the whole office suite "reconfigures"itself by installing a bunch of useless programs and that happens when accessing the options-language menu of excel, word, etc.
    I'm really going nuts here... - gbmolina 11 years ago
  • Do you have more than on msp file in the updates folder? - Timi 11 years ago
  • I came to the conclusion that exatly that might be the problem, here it is:
    If you use the OCT to create a Setup customization .msp patch, we recommend that you rename the customization .msp file so that it is installed first. Setup.exe processes only one .msp file during installation. All other .msp files that are contained in the Updates folder are installed at the end of the installation. You can rename the Setup customization .msp file by adding a "1" at the beginning of the file name to ensure that it is processed first (before software updates). This ensures that any customizations such as feature option states and other settings that you specify are established before the product patches are applied.

    Alas, it is not, i renamed the mst file "1.msp", I installed on a virtual machine and the moment I tried to use a spell check, i got the whole reconfiguration thing again. This is driving me nuts... - gbmolina 11 years ago
  • There is an update for the customization tools that came out last week. Have you already applied that to your installation to rule out any bug fixes?

    http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=18968 - rschauer 11 years ago
  • Well, the problem seems to be that in the msp file I had set the status of some features (like spell chech for spanish) to "install on first use" state... I´m really tires of this thing and I am pretty sure there is a bug in this system, but I´m giving it up. Putting all files in "run from my computer" state seems to solve the problem. Thanks to all of you. - gbmolina 11 years ago

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