
New to Repackaging and need help to learn

Hi , I'm new to this awsome website I need to know if there is any basic info I need to learn in order to repackage softwares.


Thanks in advance

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  • Thank you so much for spending the time to answer my question ...I do know a little about Admin Studio and repackaging .Friend of mine was nice enough to teach me some of it ,also willing to help me get a job ,but my concern is am I going to waste my time and the companies by getting a job and I dont know everything about Repackaging and delivering...etc ,or I will have a chance to learn and do my job at the same time ....and I have worked with computers for the past 7 years but mostly hardware and a little software experience ...I just need an advice nothing else thanks - Soccermaster 11 years ago

Answers (3)

Answer Summary:
Posted by: anonymous_9363 11 years ago
Red Belt

>you won't find it
Look harder and you'll find two resources, with confusingly similar titles. There's "The Definitive Guide to Windows Installer Technology" available as a PDF and the Phil Wilson ouevre, "The Definitive Guide To Windows Installer" which, last time I looked, was available as a CHM.

You'll need these in order to learn the fundamentals of Windows Installer because, without those, you'll struggle with anything beyond a basic package.

you won’t find it.
you won’t find it.

  • Good references VBScab. Expanding on each...

    "The Definitive Guide To Windows Installer" is here in print http://www.apress.com/9781590592977 (I've not seen it as a CHM).

    The full title of the other is "The Definitive Guide to Windows Installer Technology for Administrators". I tech edited this one and can vouch for it as a good (and free, pdf format) resource: http://www.bkelly.com/content/readMore1/complexInfobox/template_gallery/infobox/gallery_files/template/default/active_id/35 - bkelly 11 years ago
    • Thank you so much ...I will try to learn from this book ..Will ask for help if needed .Thanks again - Soccermaster 11 years ago
Posted by: vjaneczko 11 years ago
9th Degree Black Belt

Basic info? Files & reg keys, services, Active Directory, UAC, GPOs, networking, firewalls, ODBC & database technology, etc.  You know; everything that can touch & modify a computer.  That's the quick answer.  Unfortunately, there really isn’t a book or study guide that we can point at.  There was a book written back in 2000 that was helpful but it’s out of print and since it was a paperback, odds are good you won’t find it.  That’s how long it’s been since someone thought to shine some light on what we do.  It’d be cool if someone were to take another stab at writing a book to help people understand the complexity of what we do.  Hmm, note to self . . .

Flexera offers classes for AdminStudio but they are pretty cost prohibitive for most companies.  At first, you’ll spend a good deal of time here at ITNINJA and Googling stuff.  OH, and word to the wise; make sure you Google BEFORE asking a question here.  We’re a picky breed and grow weary of noobs that ask simple questions without putting in a little effort first!

Most everything that can alter the behavior of a PC (not counting network-based things) can be controlled by a package and it'll be your job to figure out how to bend it to your will. :)  Just keep in mind that when you boil everything down to the basics, you're pretty much dealing with files & reg keys.  That will make the mountain a little easier to climb.

First off, there are a few phrases to understand.  ‘Packaging’ is the process of making an installation silent, containing all of the necessary configuration in order for a user to use the program.  ‘Repackage’, also known as a Setup Capture or a snapshot, is the process of converting an old installation process into an MSI.  If you have access to AdminStudio, it’s performed with the Repackager utility.  Most installs these days arrive in the form of an MSI so it’ll be easy to create a transform file for the customization.  In AdminStudio, that’s created with Tuner.

So take time to do some research.  If you do have InstallShield, they have a large help library, but it’s not very intuitive as a learning tool, more of a dry explanation of functions.  MSI.CHM is something you should track down and use.  A lot.

But the best way to learn is to roll-up your sleeves and dig in.  Experience is one of the best ways to learn.  Good luck!


  • Excellent answer! You get my "up vote" - bkelly 11 years ago
Posted by: Soccermaster 11 years ago
Senior White Belt

I will ...Thanks a lot

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