Need help on Workflow Rule KACE
We are running KACE 14.0.334. We have numerous queues setup and all is going well. I would like to create a workflow rule/automation rule to have KACE to move all the closed tickets to a closed queue and not change the owner to unassigned, which we found out while manually doing this. We need to keep accountability as to who the ticket was assigned to. I am looking for some sort of workflow tool or automation rule tool to accomplish this but see none. How do I start this off? If it is even possible?
Thanks in advance!!
Answers (2)
Using the Archive ticket function has some advantages, not least the fact that the archived ticket record in the database is simplified in terms of database information. In the main HD_TICKET table where all queue tickets reside, links to data is done across tables by ID, so the Owner value is the ID number from the USER.ID table, the category is the ID from the Category table etc etc
When the ticket is archived the ID's that are used are replaced with the text from the associated tables so is easier to read and much easier to report against.
If that is not what you are after and what you need is a rule to move the ticket to a separate queue when you are done with it, then you can do that with a ticket rule. For example when the status of the ticket is set to Archive, move the ticket to the required queue. Just to note when you are doing that make sure you set the template ID in the HD_TICKET table otherwise you may correcupt the ticket record ;o)