K1000 Slowness In Inventory
I was just wondering if anyone has slowness when viewing a machine in the inventory? The average load time for us is around 4 seconds which seems like a long time just to load a machines summary. I may put a ticket in to see if there may be some settings changes that would help this. Any feedback would be much appreciated.
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Update: Just upgraded to version 8 and still have about 5 second load time when clicking a computer inside the inventory. Anyone else have the same problem? - agahlbeck 7 years ago
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Posted by:
7 years ago
Posted by:
7 years ago
Had this in version 6.4 and Dell gave me a patch for it.
Am currently testing the BETA 8.0 and things are definitely a lot snappier.
Thanks for the response, I am currently on the 7.2.101 version. Is the patch included on the releases after 6.4? Any problems with the Beta? - agahlbeck 7 years ago
Posted by:
7 years ago
It should be included in the patches after 6.4 but I would still have them look at it. I know that we had a problem with the database they had to fix for our licenses being slow version 7.2. There have been just a couple of small problems with 8.0. Seems to be a quicker response, like some of the new features they have added and users seem to like the new look of the UI they went to for future changes. One of the features that has helped us is wake on lan is now under inventory and seem to work better along with being able to set up the RSA's at our Regional Centers to be a Wake on Lan Relay so those commands go out locally. The KB articles are now WYSIWIG no more html mark down.