
K1000 Inventory Depletion

I was curious if someone could help inform or make a rule to show depletion of inventory. I would like to get a notification when our inventory checks out at a certain quota. It's a hassle to check the storage room physically multiple times a week.

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Answers (6)

Posted by: Roonerspism 12 years ago
Second Degree Brown Belt

I think you should be able to do something like this with the 'Email Alerts' section of Reporting in your KBox.

I've just created an alert which will run daily (then adjusted it to 15 minutes for testing) and I'm waiting for it to fire off. Basically it just tests to see if the Label Names of a machine contains 'StoreRoom Container' which is a label we have here for machines which are in our store room.  It also tests the location of the asset for the same sort of information.

And just like that I got an email which listed all of the machines in the email alert criteria. You could set it to happen every hour, day, etc etc.

Hope this helps!

  • Also its worth noting, the email contained a table with machine name, sys description, mac and ip. Also the name was a link to the kbox asset/inventory page for the machine.
    The sender of the email is your charlie root account (root@yourkbox.com) - Roonerspism 12 years ago
Posted by: dchristian 12 years ago
Red Belt
This definitely sounds possible but can you elaborate on what your trying to do? Where are you tracking the inventory? Is this kept in the asset table? The more information the better

  • We track inventory under the Computers tab - all new computers newly imaged are placed in a smart label so we can easily "View By" and see how many are checked in. We also track have a lot of non agent inventory under a label that needs this rule as well. Hope this helps. - volcy 12 years ago
  • I'm still not sure what you mean by checked in... Are you saying how many agents are currently connected tot he KBOX? - dchristian 12 years ago
Posted by: volcy 12 years ago
Orange Belt


Posted by: Roonerspism 12 years ago
Second Degree Brown Belt

You should be able to use the email alerts or a ticket rule to do this. But you need to be quite specific in your needs. From my initial understanding it sounded like you need to know how many machines are in a label every few days? Or you need to know when your kace licensing falls below a certain number, or possibly even you need to know which machines have been mia for x number of days meaning they must be in the store room.

Lots of possibilities with the information you've provided.

Posted by: volcy 12 years ago
Orange Belt

Basically I just want to know how what's in listed under a label. So if I have 20 computers in a speicifc label and a Help Desk tech sends one to TX - I would like an alert to say "Hey you only have 19 computers left!". 



Posted by: volcy 12 years ago
Orange Belt


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