
Custom settings with deployment of Java JRE 7.40

Heyas. So I am applying a transform on the new msi bits for JRE 7.40 and I have already turned off most of the properties we needed off (autoupdatecheck=0, iexplorer=1, javaupdate=0,JU=0, rebootyesno=no and etc.


My issue now after testing , is that this new verison puts this icon in the start menu . Does anyone know of a switch to disable this addition or a way I can remove it? I am using adminstudio 11.5 sp2 with installshield spring 2012


thank you much




2 Comments   [ + ] Show comments
  • Can you remove it in the Shortcut table? - dj_xest 11 years ago
    • There is nothing listed in the shortcut table - indierox 11 years ago
  • So basically, I am adding file\folder deletions to a batch script to remove the dirs (post msi install) I dont like doing this and am sure its not best practice, but I am not seeing how to remove these shortcuts in the java msi itself, if anyone has any more suggestions on how to remove these start items in the MSI itself, that would rock!

    My install.bat as it stands now.

    msiexec /I "jre1.7.0_40x86.msi" /QN /L*V "%SYSTEMROOT%\logs\jre1.7.0_40x86.wil" TRANSFORMS="jre1.7.0_40x86.Mst"
    sleep 20
    del /f /q "c:\programdata\Microsoft\Windows\start menu\Programs\Java"
    rmdir "c:\programdata\Microsoft\Windows\start menu\Programs\Java" - indierox 11 years ago

Answers (2)

Posted by: jaybee96 11 years ago
Red Belt

You can add a Custom Action (1122) to your Transform file, where you run this command:

cmd.exe /C rmdir "%PROGRAMDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Java" /S

to remove the Start Menu shortcuts. In the InstallUIExecuteSequence table you set the Sequence ID of this Custom Action to '3183'. Which is then between the InstallJava custom action (3181), which apparently create these shortcuts, and InstallFinalize (3185).

  • article: http://www.itninja.com/blog/view/java-runtime-environment-version-7-0-update-40 - jaybee96 11 years ago
    • This worked for me but I had to use custom action 98 and Sequence 3186 as the InstallFinalize creates the shortcuts.


      Action: DeleteUpdateShortcut
      Type: 98
      Source: SystemFolder
      Target: cmd.exe /C del "%PROGRAMDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Java\Check For Updates.lnk" /Q


      Action: DeleteUpdateShortcut
      Sequence: 3186

      Worked like a charm!

      Thank you indierox for asking this question and thank you jaybee96 for the pointing us in the right direction!

      I was in the process of creating our Java deployment package and needed this!

      You rock! - crispybiscuit 11 years ago
      • Sweet, works like charm
        Thanks Crispy - Prabs 10 years ago
  • Very nice, thank you Jaybee - indierox 11 years ago
Posted by: jsunderman 11 years ago
Second Degree Blue Belt

Did you try deleting them before you finished the repackager? You should be able to check and see what reg keys are added and shortcuts are added and delete them before you build.

  • The OP isn't re-packaging, as JRE is already packaged as an MSI. - anonymous_9363 11 years ago
  • Packaged = Wrapped.. no real MSI actions going on in there... ;-) - jaybee96 11 years ago

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