Java - Enable Java content in web browser by script or GPO
Hi Community !
I'm face to a problem actually.
In my enterprise, we install Java by MDT okay no problem but I have seen for an unknown reason, the option "Enable Java content in browser" disabled on a lot of computers.
That I would to do is force this option by GPO. I have seen that when I disable the option in the control panel of Java, the value present in :
deployment.webjava.enabled=false appears. Okay, no problem, and when I enable the option this line disapears. Okay, why not.
Howerver :
1- When I put deployment.webjava.enabled=true instead of deployment.webjava.enabled=false there is no change.
2- When I delete the line in the file, the option is not activated in the control panel of Java.
3- We can find the same value in the registry HKCU\Software\AppDataLow\Software\JavaSoft\DeploymentProperties and if I change them manually there is no change in the control panel of Java.
The version of Java concerned is Java SE 7_67
Is anyone have an idea?
Have a good day community ! :)
Answers (2)
Read the article in full. It's pretty straightforward. I've used this configuration at countless clients. - anonymous_9363 10 years ago