Idrisi silent installation
I just got a request to install Idrisi in 3 labs, have anyone on this board ever done a successful silent installation of this program called IDRISI?
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Posted by:
11 years ago
I don´t know if this still is of any interest, but i found out, the IDRISI Setup is a InstallAware compiled Installer listening to the /s command which allows a completely silent installation. Still, the floatpath file pointing to the license server has to copied to the clients. It´s here: C:\Program Files (x86)\IDRISI Selva\License

so that the conversation will remain readable.
I don´t know if this is still of any interest, but i managed to install IDRISI Selva completely silent withthe /s parameter. I needet to copy the folatpath file ponting to the license server manually, but id dit the trick ;) - noneofit 11 years ago