
IBM Lotus Notes 9 upgrade not installing 'Client Single Logon Feature' with silent install


I have created a package to install Notes 9 with the specific notes features that i require.  The package installs fine when installing on a clean machine (Server 2003 x64) but when i try to install the package on a machine with a previous version of Notes already installed (Notes 7) it does not install the Client Single Logon Feature.  Part of the upgrade is to uninstall the previous version so i'm not sure why it is stopping this from happening.  Here are some of the entries from the log files....

Log file from server with no previous notes version installed

XPD: 12/09/2013 10:32:09 MsiGetFeatureState Feature: ClientSingleLogon  iCurState: -1  iNxtState: -1
XPD: 12/09/2013 10:32:09 Valid states: ClientSingleLogon --- 14
XPD: 12/09/2013 10:32:09 Storing MSI Feature: ClientSingleLogon  INSTALLSTATE: -1

Log file from server with previous version of notes installed

XPD: 12/09/2013 10:50:10 MsiGetFeatureState Feature: ClientSingleLogon  iCurState: -1  iNxtState: -1
XPD: 12/09/2013 10:50:10 Valid states: ClientSingleLogon --- 14
XPD: 12/09/2013 10:50:10 Storing MSI Feature: ClientSingleLogon  INSTALLSTATE: -1
MSI (c) (F8:04) [10:50:39:980]: MigrateFeatureStates: based on existing product, setting feature 'ClientSingleLogon' to 'Absent' state.
MSI (c) (F8:FC) [10:51:29:198]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Modifying MsiSelectionTreeSelectedFeature property. Its current value is 'NotesClient'. Its new value: 'ClientSingleLogon'.
MSI (c) (F8:FC) [10:51:57:776]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Deleting MsiSelectionTreeSelectedFeature property. Its current value is 'ClientSingleLogon'.

I have tried to add the following property to the package but it still made no difference....


Does anyone have any suggestions apart from uninstalling the previous version before performing the install.



3 Comments   [ + ] Show comments
  • Sounds like it's migrating the features from the previous version to the new version and that feature isn't installed in the previous installation.


    The above links should help. - dunnpy 11 years ago
  • The good part of your problem is that the uninstall of your previous product works. I would leave your package as it is and focus on the real problem, you have a distribution issue.

    Create a separate job for the removal of the previous product which you make conditional on it being installed (check for file, regkey or other defining characteristic), after this step is either skipped or successful start the installation. Wrap this up in a vbs or cmd.

    This way of doing the install will then work on both your new installs and systems you need to update. - EVEEN 11 years ago
  • Hi, thanks for the replies, i managed to get around the issue by setting the following Property.....


    Thanks again - alumb05 11 years ago
    • Please post it as an answer, and set to answerd, maybe it could help other people. - tecrumors 11 years ago

Answers (1)

Answer Summary:
Posted by: tecrumors 11 years ago
6th Degree Black Belt

Answer by @alumb05

Hi, thanks for the replies, i managed to get around the issue by setting the following Property.....


Thanks again - See more at: http://www.itninja.com/question/ibm-lotus-notes-9-upgrade-not-installing-client-single-logon-feature-with-silent-install#sthash.r4Ibk5Rn.dpuf

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