
Altiris script to store MSI and config file in same location

I am trying to create a script in Altiris for Alertus software. I need it to store an msi and a config file to the same location to work. This is a job that will be used in Altiris for Multiple users.

I have asked altiris to place the config file and the msi on the users desktop and run the msi. Everything works but the .msi will not run because it states the config file needs to be stored with the .msi to run properly. Any thoughts

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Answers (1)

Posted by: matthewconlon 9 years ago
Yellow Belt
I got this working.

1. Script
2. Upload the msi and config file under dependencies - make sure the config file is named "AlertusDesktopAlert.exe.config"
3. Call msiexec and use /qn /i for params



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