
How to get the device status online/offline by reporting (SQL) ?

Yes, the the Report wizard also have the "Connected" to show the report status .

BUT this status is not include the agentless status .  (Only agent-based) 

the use case is 
we also have the agentless devices from KACE Cloud (MDM) and want to see the device status (Online/Offline)  in the created dashboard (PowerBI) . 

please advise . 


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Answers (1)

Posted by: Nico_K 1 month ago
Red Belt

it is problematic since only when the agentless discovery and check in is running the online status is checked. This means:
if you check for the online status of an agent managed device it updates the status nearly on time (agent connection avaiable or not)
an agentless device only when the check in runs. If you shutdown a system 2min after the check in the agentless device is still seen as "connected" until the next check in, the agent managed device goes offline directly at this time.

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