
How can I install flash ActiveX with a GPO for users without Administrative Rights


I am trying to install flash ActiveX with a GPO. I have downloaded the correct .MSI file after signing up for adobe distribution rights. I then created the GPO to install the Flash ActiveX. The GPO works but only when I log on as a user with administrator rights. When logging on as a standard user it does not install, after running RSOP.msc I can see that it do not work due to lack of administrative permissions. Is there anything I can do to the .MSI file or settings that I can change within the GPO to allow the ActiveX to install without Admin rights?


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Answers (5)

Posted by: piyushnasa 12 years ago
Red Belt

You can run the MSI using Admin/elevated privileges in GPO.

Posted by: alphabeta 12 years ago
Black Belt

Have you deployed other msi's? Have they installed properly? i.e. without the need for logging in with admin rights. It's my understanding that the deployed software installs with the SYSTEM account which has admin rights. Also you could try redownloading the flash player msi and linking that up as what you have *might* have accidently corrupted itself.

  • I have installed other .MSIs, Such as Adobe Shockwave, Adobe Reader, and java, they all installed correctly without admin rights. I think activeX controls are a bit stricter with regards to security since it’s a plugin to a browser. I have other pending projects now, so this is going to be put on hold for now. As soon as I get time I will try re-downloading the .MSI, and the run as admin option in the GPO. - JAYMAN 12 years ago
Posted by: anonymous_9363 12 years ago
Red Belt

> I think activeX controls are a bit stricter with regards to security
>since it’s a plugin to a browser.

GPO deployments are performed using the local SYSTEM account, as 'alphabeta' states. Turn on GPO verbose logging. Check the %TEMP% folder after you attempt a deployment for a new MSI[whatever].LOG file. Search that log file for the text 'Return value 3.' In the half a dozen lines above and below this text you will discover what the problem is or at least a clue.

  • I just noticed that even When I login as a Admin to get the ActiveX to install, the only way I can uninstall it is via gpo. If I try to remove it from within Programs and Features it tells me I need Administrative rights even when I am logged in as a domain admin. - JAYMAN 12 years ago
  • I turned on Logging for the GPO Below is part of the log.
    === Logging started: 5/16/2012 7:25:23 ===
    Action start 7:25:23: INSTALL.
    Action start 7:25:23: ISSetAllUsers.
    InstallShield 7:25:23: Begin SetAllUsers()
    InstallShield 7:25:23: Getting records from Upgrade table
    InstallShield 7:25:23: UpgradeCode: {42463807-970B-4257-BC95-5C348D61DF1C} MinVersion: MaxVersion: Language: Attributes: 769
    InstallShield 7:25:23: Checking related product {A13AB67F-697F-47DC-AA7B-F70B8B7ACDB8}
    InstallShield 7:25:23: Adobe Flash Player 11 ActiveX {A13AB67F-697F-47DC-AA7B-F70B8B7ACDB8} 1033 ***Related***
    InstallShield 7:25:23: ALLUSERS of related product {A13AB67F-697F-47DC-AA7B-F70B8B7ACDB8} is = 0
    InstallShield 7:25:23: End SetAllUsers()
    Action ended 7:25:23: ISSetAllUsers. Return value 1.
    Action start 7:25:23: AppSearch.
    Action ended 7:25:23: AppSearch. Return value 0.
    Action start 7:25:23: LaunchConditions.
    MSI (s) (EC:A8) [07:25:23:225]: Product: Adobe Flash Player 11 ActiveX -- You must have administrative privileges to install Flash Player 11. Please log on with administrative privileges and try again.

    You must have administrative privileges to install Flash Player 11. Please log on with administrative privileges and try again.
    Action ended 7:25:23: LaunchConditions. Return value 3.
    Action ended 7:25:23: INSTALL. Return value 3.
    Property(S): DiskPrompt = [1]
    Property(S): UpgradeCode = {42463807-970B-4257-BC95-5C348D61DF1C}
    Property(S): ProductCode = {A13AB67F-697F-47DC-AA7B-F70B8B7ACDB8}
    Property(S): VersionNT = 601
    Property(S): CommonFilesFolder = C:\Program Files\Common Files\
    Property(S): SystemFolder = C:\Windows\system32\ - JAYMAN 12 years ago
Posted by: eoxy 12 years ago
White Belt

I'm not saying this is the best answer, but I too ran into this.  I have been getting the same error message as well for 11.4.402.265.  I am publishing it through group policy (user) so I can install it (I haven't tried it for a typical user yet).  But to resolve this problem for local administrators I opened up the MSI in Orca and just dropped the "LaunchConditon" "AdminUser" and saved the MSI.  It installed w/o a hitch.  After that I confirmed I had the right version in use by going to http://www.adobe.com/software/flash/about/

  • Thank you Sir, It's nice to finally have an answer. - JAYMAN 12 years ago
Posted by: rpmax600 12 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt

For my part i did a startup script in computer section like this

xcopy "\\server\msi\Adobe Flash Player 11.4" "c:\Install\Flash Player 11.4" /s /v /y /i

msiexec /i "C:\Install\Flash Player 11.4\install_flash_player_11_active_x.msi" /L "c:\Install\install_flash_player_11_active_x.log" /passive
msiexec /i "C:\Install\Flash Player 11.4\install_flash_player_11_plugin.msi" /L "c:\Install\install_flash_player_11_plugin.log" /passive

echo AutoUpdateDisable=1 > "C:\WINDOWS\system32\Macromed\Flash\mms.cfg"
echo SilentAutoUpdateEnable=0 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\Macromed\Flash\mms.cfg"
schtasks /delete /tn "Adobe Flash Player Updater" /F

on x64 system use syswow64 instead of system32

If startup script wont run try create a REG_Dword under HKEY_Local_Machine\Software\Microsoft\windows nt\current version\winlogon

name GPNetworkStartTimoutPolicyValue with a decimal 60. This is an issue with speed negociation on gigbyte network card.

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