How can I get a USB System Image to deploy with the Driver feed?
We have a lab with 28 Lenovo T540p laptops that need to be imaged with our image. The building that they are in does not have enough bandwidth to support imaging over the network so we have to do it with an USB Deployment of our system Image.
The Image has been syspreped and is ready to be deployed, but when we do an install with the USB drive the process does not pull down any drivers form the K2000 Server. It looks like it wants to but the CMD Prompt window just closes after a few seconds with no error message.
I have set up the folder with the drives correctly “\\k2000_server_addrease\drivers_postinstall\lenovo\windows_7_x64\20BFS25V00” and populated it with all the drivers that we need.
I have tried to do an install over the network and it will pull down the drivers then so I know that the driver folder is working.
I just not sure where to look to figure this out.
Answers (1)
Top Answer

another alternative is to start storing your wims on windows shares at each site since that is 90% of the work/bandwitdh the K2000 does. I have blog for that also - SMal.tmcc 9 years ago
you can even create a mid level task to create that directory and unzip and copy the files to there - SMal.tmcc 9 years ago