
How can I deploy Adobe Reader DC 15.10.20056 with K1000 using msi with msp and transforms???

I've been trying to deploy this to all our end users but it's proven to be quite annoying.  It keeps stating it can't find the msp file when it goes to patch.  I've tried several different ways of putting a full path to the file but the K1000 remains unhappy.   I'm trying to run this as an online shell script and for the msp file I've tried using network paths but those don't work.  Where does k1000 put these dependencies and what's going to be a suitable file path for me to be able to run this script.  Please and thank you, any help would be immensely appreciated.

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Answers (1)

Answer Summary:
Posted by: StockTrader 8 years ago
Red Belt

Top Answer


If you are using a managed installation simply put all the files + the MSP in a ZIP file, associate it to the 

Adobe Reader DC 15.10.20056 software record and then in your Managed Installation use the Override Default Installation and put the full command line in the Parameters field (e.g.: msiexec /i mymsi.msi  TRANSFORM= etc etc)

Pay attention when you create the ZIP: do not simply zip a folder with all the content but do the zip from inside the folder selecting all the files and creating the ZIP.

Doing the zip in this way, when the agent will unzip it, will not create a subfolder with the name of the zip file.

The files are temporary stored on the client in %ProgramData%\Dell\KACE\Downloads\xxx\ there xxx is a number.

 Kind regards,

Marco - StockTrader 

  • Many thanks StockTrader! Your advice absolutely got me on the right track. I then realized the script needed the Data1.cab file produced when I extracted the AcroRead.msi file from the offline exe. I zipped that up with the .msp and .mst and it installed like a champ. - gmiranda 8 years ago
    • Fantastic! have a nice weekend :-)
      Marco - StockTrader - StockTrader 8 years ago
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