
Dymo ID Silent unistall (and other questions)


I figured out (reading other posts) how to do a silent install of Dymo ID 1.4:

>DYMOIDSetup.1.4 /S /v/qn

But I would love to be able to do a Silent uninstall too. 

Does anyone know how to do this for the DYMO ID SW. 
Also is it possible to change the default folder for label files and even add some files during install that are favorit as default? 

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Answers (1)

Posted by: SMal.tmcc 5 years ago
Red Belt

If you have a kbox go the the Dymo software item under software inventory and post the command on the detail page under uninstall, it will need to be tweaked for silent.

If you do not have a kbox search the registry under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall for Dymo and find the folder for it and get the command from there. (note: this is not the correct program this is just for visual purposes)

  • Hi thanks that solved a big problem. Is the uninstall sting static (the same always) for this program or will it change on a per PC basis? - Jgaard 5 years ago
    • That id will stay the same for all machines it belongs to the software. when you run into an msiexec string take the /i change it to a /x and after the id add /qn

      MsiExec.exe /I{366CD715-2FF4-40B4-A8B4-A05E5D21A945} becomes MsiExec.exe /X{366CD715-2FF4-40B4-A8B4-A05E5D21A945} /qn - SMal.tmcc 5 years ago

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