
Detect new PC's and provision them silently

I need to set up Smart Labels (I think) to detect when a new PC does not have a KACE folder and set it to provision it.

And can I limit the action to a certain subnet?

Thanks -- I am in my first week with Kbox


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Answers (4)

Posted by: cblake 13 years ago
Red Belt
Lables get applied at inventory check-in of the agent, so there's no way to target a Label for initial agent provisioning. If you're imaging the machines, start including the agent in the image/scripted install. You can use smart labels to detect new machines, and nearly-endless other criteria and apply labels at that point though; utlimately handling what you seek. Your JumpStart trainer will certainly cover Labels in more detail than this forum. Feel free to reach out to your trainer, support, or me if you need additional info though.
Posted by: afzal 13 years ago
Fourth Degree Green Belt
KBox is Smart enough to detect the presence of Agent , all you have to do is go to Setting / Kbox Agent and select Advance provisioning, Under the IP subnet range type the range of IP addresses ( 192.168. 2-10,1-255), this example showes IP subnet from 2 to 10 and Node range from 1 to 255
Posted by: RoverDrover 13 years ago
Orange Belt
Thank you so much Afzal. I'll set it up tomorrow.
Posted by: RoverDrover 13 years ago
Orange Belt
I knew I was leaving out something. What I want to do is detect that Agent isn't on a PC and provision it, AND have it make a label for the machine that doesn't have Agent and so I can set up a managed silent deployment of the other apps the new machines need.

So that when a new PC is joined to the domain, the Kbox will put everything it needs on it right then.
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