
Deploying Desktop Wallpaper

Hello All,


Question, we have been using the Desktop settings enforcement tool under the scripting tab to deploy wallpapers to our machines.  This works great unless it is a machine that is locked down with deepfreeze..  To deploy to these machines we need to thaw the machines, log them on then push out the wallpaper.

There has to be a better way to do this!  I have been playing with VBS and Powershell Scripts but with no luck.  Has anyone found a good way to deploy desktop wallpaper from the kbox to a logged off machine?  Note, while these machines are in a domain they do not use a domain log on.  Any help with this would be greatly appreciated!

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Answers (1)

Answer Summary:
Posted by: nheyne 10 years ago
Red Belt
The only way would be to push something down at every boot/login.  That's kinda the whole point of Deep Freeze, as annoying as it may be.  If they used domain logins, you could setup your Default User to grab its wallpaper from an accessible file that you could change on the fly.

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