
Custom Ticket Rule - Create new ticket based on criteria

Is it possible to create new tickets in another queue using a Custom Ticket Rule within the Update Query? Possibly using 'insert HD_TICKET' instead of 'update HD_TICKET'?

Initially I had a ticket rule that if certain criteria were met (CC user is a specific user and ticket status is closed on ticket save) it would fire off an email to the ticket queue to create a ticket based off the fields. This worked great until we noticed that is was creating massive email looping within Kace because all our SMTP emails originate from a noreply address including ticket notifications, and to get the workflow working properly I had to create a Kace user with the noreply mailbox attached to create the tickets. (don't allow anonymous submitters) It was appending tons of extra repeat comments to existing tickets. So looks like using the email to queue will not work for us.

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Answers (1)

Posted by: Hobbsy 50 minutes ago
Red Belt

Yes this is "in theory" possible, but I would suggest that you make an effort to set values across every key field if you are going to try this.

So set every field with an ID that needs it

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